Look Good! Feel Great

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Friday, 3 February 2017


Painful Cuticles

Painful cuticles can cause havoc and I suggest that if you do regular manicures and pedicures, avoid getting them cut and use a cuticle pusher instead.

3-4 tsp mashed papaya
2 tsp mashed pineapple

Method: Mix the ingredients and dip your nails into it. Massage gently for 5 minutes. Wash off and dab dry. Not only will your cuticles feel softer but painless too.


Dark Lips

Smoking, drinking and inadequate water intake can lead to dark lips, besides the fact that they can be due to internal issues or hereditary problems as well. Make the following lip mask and use it daily for 5 minutes to nourish and lighten the lip area.

1 tsp almond powder

1 tsp fresh cream

1 tsp raw grated potato
Method: Mix well and apply.


Scanty Eyebrows

A lot of women suffer from this problem. Here's a quick recipe with the most amazing result -

Method: Use 2 drops of castor oil and massaged into the eyebrows daily for 2-3weeks.

Dark Circles

Dark circles can make you look older, ill and haggard. A quick recipe to reduce dark circles is to massage almond oil and papaya mash around the eyes and apply the following mask -

2 tsp almond paste

1 tsp grated cucumber
A few drops of lemon

Method: Put a thin bandage gauge on the eye area and put this mask on while lying down to relax. Leave on for 10 minutes and wash off.


Instant Face Lift

If you have to go out for a party and need your skin to look rejuvenated in minutes, use this tried and tested recipe -

1tsp vodka
1egg white, whipped until it forms peaks, then freeze

The juice of half a lemon

Method: Once the frozen egg white is out of the freezer, mix the rest of the
ingredients. Brush over the skin and let it dry. Avoid talking. Wash your face with ice cold water and pat dry.


Open Pores

This problem plagues many and the best solution for this is -
Method: Freeze raw tomato halves and rub them on clean skin daily. When done for a week, you will see a remarkable change in the way your open pores shrink and the skin looks porcelain.