13 Things to Do Every Morning to
Stay Healthy and Energized
Start With a Smile
While still in bed, think of something that makes you smile (animal, person, positive situation, or a place) and hold that feeling, enjoying a wave of endorphins and serotonin rushing in. Being in a positive state has significant impact on motivation, productivity, and well-being. Get those happy brain chemicals moving!
Boost Your Caffeine Fix
Boost your rich dark coffee by adding a spoonful of cold-pressed coconut oil and a spoonful of honey. Both ingredients have been known to gently detox, speed up metabolism, and aid with digestion. Super delicious and energizing.
Breathe In Fresh Air
You can also do five-minute breathing exercises while sitting in your bed with your back against the wall, eyes closed. I really love the cardiac coherence breathing technique - it's super simple and super effective. Just a five-second inhale, five-second exhale, for five minutes. It's best to do this three times per day.
Wake Up Your Feet
Our feet are packed with sensory nerves, which not only impact our balance and posture but also our mental focus and acuity," says the creator of Catwalk Confidence, Dr. Splichal (aka Dr. Legs). "Start your day with five minutes of fierce feet exercises including rolling your foot on a golf ball while brushing your teeth, followed by a quick yoga flow on a barefoot stimulating Naboso Yoga Mat. The golf ball and textured yoga mat is like reflexology for your feet.
Enjoy a Smoothie
Set Your Alarm For the Same Time
I also try to wake up at the same time every day if possible," adds Zinno. "This improves my sleep quality, which boosts my energy and keeps my circadian rhythm in check. If I went for a long bike ride or did Pilates the day before and am feeling sore, I'll stretch with TheraBands
Motivate While Putting on Makeup
Get pumped for your day with motivational audio books or videos on YouTube, advises Splichal. "One of my favorite speakers (who makes me want to own the day) is Tony Robbins. I find him more energizing than pumped-up music as the words hit at what inspires success and drives productivity. Imagine what 10 minutes a day of motivational videos can do to your overall sense of purpose and vision."
Keep a Gratitude Journal
Move Toward the Light
Expose yourself to natural light for 15 to 30 minutes when you get up," adds Dr. Kiberd. "Sunlight hits the pineal gland in your brain, which lessens melatonin production and in turn makes you more alert. Indoor light isn't strong enough to trigger this response, but if it's dark or wintry when you rise, try a light therapy box."
Drink Lemon Water
The quickest, simplest, and most affordable thing we can do in the morning is to drink lemon water," says Liana Werner-Gray, brand ambassador for Explore Cuisine. "Just squeeze 1/2 a lemon into cup of water to boost the immune system (thanks to vitamin C) and alkalize the body, which keeps it feeling energized and fresh in the morning. It's a powerful way to start the day!"
Do a digital detox
When you wake up, do NOT pick up your phone to check messages. Leave this for later, she advises.Give Juicing a Try
Drink one fresh juice every single day to ensure you are getting all your nutrition needs met," suggests Werner-Gray. "You could do a green juice (with cucumber, celery, kale, ginger, lemon, and apple) or a beet juice. This puts so many vitamins and minerals into the body that you can't help but immediately feel better. If you aren't able to make your own fresh juice or buy one, mix a teaspoon of a dried greens powder into a cup of water."
Eat a Healthy Breakfast
Source: Adapted from MSN Health & fitness