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Tuesday, 7 February 2017

13 Things to Do Every Morning to
Stay Healthy and Energized

Slide 7 of 14: <p>"I also try to wake up at the same time every day if possible," adds Zinno. "This improves my sleep quality, which boosts my energy and keeps my circadian rhythm in check. If I went for a long bike ride or did Pilates the day before and am feeling sore, I'll stretch with <a href="http://www.thera-band.com/">TheraBands</a>."</p>We've all done it: snoozed so many times you're beyond late when you do finally drag yourself out of bed, and then all that's left to save you (time-wise) is a bottle of dry shampoo and a sugary breakfast bar. Nothing good ever comes of this routine. So, in an effort to help you win 2017, we enlisted some of the top wellness pros in the industry to offer their sage advice. Better mornings are just around the corner, we promise.

Slide 5 of 14: <p>Another tip Gauthier swears by? When you wake up, do NOT pick up your phone to check messages. Leave this for later, she advises.</p>Do a digital detox

When you wake up, do NOT pick up your phone to check messages. Leave this for later, she advises.