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Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Home made oil treatment for hair
Image result for gorgeous hair & growthWhen hair has been abused by too many chemical treatments such as perms, tints, colorings, straightening, daily abuse, or being exposed to a harsh climate it can do with an oil treatment boost to get it into shape, help with split ends and get rid of that dry grass feel and look.
This treatment is more than just a bit messy, but normally can do wonders for abused hair that needs a bit of life, luster and shine and to leave it silky smooth.
The oil treatment uses the following ingredients:
    10 ml Almond oil
5 ml Evening primrose oil
  10 ml Coconut Oil
5 ml Jojoba oil
5 drops Rosemary oil
5 drops Chamomile Roman oil

Using a bain-marie, melt the coconut oil over very low heat (since it is semi-solid at room temperature) and add the almond, evening primrose and jojoba oil. Mix well and let the mixture cool down and then add the essential oils.
Using your fingertips, dip into the oil mixture and gently massage it into your scalp and through the hair. When the entire head has been treated push your hair together and loosely cover it with kitchen plastic wrap (or a clean plastic bag) to protect the towel that you will place over it.
Cover your head with a towel - turban style and leave it on for about 30 minutes. The heat from your scalp will help with the absorption and penetration of the oil, and the towel turban will keep the heat in.
If your hair is in really bad shape, you can use a hot towel for the turban, as it will further help to absorb the oil.
After 30 minutes, before putting any water on your hair, take your shampoo and massage a fair amount into your hair and scalp - this emulsifying action will help remove the excess oil.
Although this is really a messy treatment, it has helped countless people to get their quality of hair back to normal.

Shampoo to use with alopecia
Since everybody has their own favorite shampoo, we do not have a special shampoo recipe, but do suggest that you add the following essential oils to your regular shampoo. It is however suggested that you use a mild natural shampoo.
The dilution that you should use is as follows, and please do not add more essential oil than specified, as it may cause irritation.
·         100 ml shampoo mixed with
·         15 drops jojoba oil
·         8 drops carrot oil
·         7 drops rosemary oil
·         7 drops lavender oil
·         2 drops tea tree oil
You can use this shampoo as your regular shampoo.

Stimulating massage lotion to help hair loss
This stimulating lotion can be massaged into the scalp in the morning, after washing and partly drying the hair. Massage with care so as not to stretch or break the hair while massaging.
·         100 ml mix (50/50 of rosewater and distilled water)
·         15 ml apple cider vinegar
·         5 drops rosemary oil
·         6 drops jojoba oil
·         3 drops carrot oil
·         3 drops geranium oil
This mixture should be kept in the fridge and will separate when standing, necessitating you to give it a good shake every morning before applying about 2 teaspoons of the mixture.

Hair conditioner for use when balding
For a once-a-week conditioning treatment, you can apply the following oil blend and leave on for at least 30 minutes before washing it off. When washing it off, apply some shampoo to the hair before you wet it, to help remove the oil easily.
·         2 ml jojoba oil (40 drops)
·         8 drops evening primrose oil
·         2 drops geranium oil
·         2 drops palma rosa

Oil treatment for alopecia and hair loss
This oil blend must be gently (repeat gently) rubbed onto the scalp once a day at night before going to bed. Pay special attention to the bald spots but work through your entire scalp.
·         3 drops rosemary oil
·         4 drops geranium oil
·         4 drops lavender oil
·         1 drop frankincense oil
·         4 drops cypress oil
·         2 drops cinnamon oil
·         2 drops juniper oil
Take one drop (1 drop only) per day and massage into the scalp before going to bed. The best way to do it is to dispense one drop onto your finger, then rub all your fingertips together to distribute the oil, and then massage the scalp with your fingertips. This treatment must be applied every day, without a single day being skipped.
This is one of the few times where we will use neat (undiluted) pure essential oil on the skin, and you are advised to be on the lookout for any skin irritation. Should that occur immediately cease with the treatment.
Since essential oils can irritate the mucus membranes you are strongly advised to thoroughly wash your hands after applying this treatment, as to prevent accidental transference of the neat oil into your eyes or other sensitive areas.

Final hair wash rinse
Although the popularity of a final rinse after washing your hair has declined, it can help to add that extra bit of shine and manageability.
There are a variety of commercial products available, yet some true and tested home-based recipes still are valuable.
You could simply add a dash of apple cider vinegar or a couple of drops of pure lemon oil to your final rinse, or you could prepare the following and add it to your final rinse.
Mix the following together very well and add to your final hair rinse:
·         4 teaspoons of water,
·         2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar
·         3 drops of lemon essential oil.
Add this to your final water rinse and make sure that you rinse your hair well with it.