Look Good! Feel Great

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Thursday, 19 March 2009

Strawberries make a wonderful cleansing and skin softening facial mask because they contain salicylic acid—which rids the skin of dead cells, allowing it to absorb moisture and look healthy and radiant.
Few Strawberry masks & recipes for a clean skin :
Strawberry Mask:
½ cup of very ripe strawberries
¼ cup cornstarch
Mix the strawberries and cornstarch together to make a paste. Apply the facial mixture to the face. Leave it on for 30 minutes and then rinse with cool water.
Homemade strawberries Facial Mask Recipe:
Crush a handful of strawberries and mix well with 1 teaspoon honey. Apply to face and let set for about 15 minutes. Gently wipe off with a damp wash cloth.
Sweet Strawberry Facial Mask :
Using a fork mash strawberries into a pulp, add honey. Mix. Don't over blend or it will be runny. Apply directly to the skin, let sit for a few minutes then rinse off.
Strawberry Facial Mask:
For a single facial mask, thaw one whole frozen strawberry in a small cup in the microwave. Frozen strawberries are good to use for this recipe because they let off alot of juice when thawed. Mash up the slightly warm strawberry to a pulp and stir in 1-2 Tbs of cornstarch to form a smooth paste. Slather the paste on to your face and neck and allow to dry, 15 - 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.