10 Amazing Things To Make With Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has so many incredible benefits and uses! From DIY beauty products to home cleaners and health tonics this stuff should be featured in every home !Today we share ten of the best things you can make and do with apple cider vinegar.
Want a bottle of apple cider vinegar in your home? You can buy Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar from this page on Amazon.
Want a bottle of apple cider vinegar in your home? You can buy Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar from this page on Amazon.
Make Your Own Apple Cider Vinegar – If you use a lot of apple cider vinegar (ACV) in your home, then making your own for free at home will save you money and will cut down the amount of food you waste! This brilliant recipe is made from the peels and cores of eaten apples, it’s easy to follow and only takes a few weeks to ferment.
Apple Cider Vinegar Eczema Remedy – When you or a member of your family suffers badly with eczema, you can understand how terribly painful a bad flare up can be. Whilst there are lotions and potions available to sooth the skin in the short term, there are not many long term solutions to help combat the condition once and for all! But Ashley over at thehillhangout.com sings the praises of this ACV home remedy! Why not take a look!
Sweetened Raw Apple Cider Vinegar Elixir – In order to benefit from all the wonderful qualities of ACV you must consume it in some form…most people will agree that it’s not that tasty! This is why this brilliant drink recipe from Lindsey over at delightedmomma.com is a great idea! Her simple process which is easy to follow makes ACV taste great!
Apple Cider Vinegar Sun Burn Relief – When you accidentally get sun burnt, people will turn to almost anything for some kind of relief . Not only is it painful and unsightly, it’s dangerous too! This method to provide relief with ACV will help your sunburn calm down and sooth the redness and burn of the skin allowing you to get on with your life!
Apple Cider Vinegar Facial Toner – ACV balances the pH of skin, is a powerful antiseptic and antibacterial so is a perfect ingredient for a natural homemade facial toner! This is why Lori over at laurelofleaves.com uses her ACV toner after she washes her face every morning! With easy to follow instructions, this ritual should be added to everyone’s daily beauty regime!
Apple Cider Vinegar Sports Drink Recipe – This homemade sports drink would complete any winter work out! It’s warming, refreshing and extremely good for your health! This recipe featured over at Eatdrinkbetter.com is easy to follow and offers so many benefits! So next time you work out opt for this homemade drink rather than an unhealthy and artificial store bought version.
Beat The Bloat Apple Cider Vinegar Drink – Packed full of anti-bloating qualities this drink is a perfect remedy for when your stomach starts to bloat from food! This drink helps slow the digestive process down, acting as a detox whilst helping break down fats and improve bowel movements. Head over to Betsylife.com for all the information!
Apple Cider Vinegar Shiny Hair Rinse – Who doesn’t want glossy, healthy shiny hair? Well this fantastic home recipe from Jenniraincloud.com promises to help condition your hair making it the healthiest it’s ever been. It also stimulate growth, prevents split ends and soothes a dry itchy scalp. With only four ingredients, this recipe couldn’t be easier to follow!
Non-Toxic Apple Cider Vinegar Household Cleaner – This homemade cleaner is a perfect solution to a non-toxic alternative if you are sick of using chemicals in your home. This cleaner has been tested against other cleaning brands so you can see how well it works in comparison! Scratchmommy.com has provided really easy step-by-step instructions to make sure anyone can make this brilliant recipe at home.
Apple Cider Vinegar Cough & Throat Syrup – This homemade cough recipe will help sooth the sorest of throats! It’s that time of year when people start to suffer from colds and flu, so this recipe which stars ACV is a great way to help stop the cold in it’s tracks as well as soothing any discomfort of a cold that just won’t budge!
Source : http://www.naturallivingideas.com
Source : http://www.naturallivingideas.com