Long and beautiful hair has always been symbolic of a woman’s beauty. Every woman aspires for long, thick hair. But to flaunt a beautiful mane, a lot of regular hair care is required. Hair cannot be made beautiful by beauty aid alone. It requires a well balanced and nutritive diet too.
Here are a few simple yet useful tips on appropriate diets for your hair: • If you want beautiful long hair, you will have to pay attention to your diet. The food you consume has a direct bearing on the health of your hair. The fresh items in the food certainly stimulate faster and healthy growth of hair. • If you are one of those who take in a nutritive diet and consume plenty of water, there is no need for you to take in any additional vitamins. Your fibrous foods can include fruits and salads. Stay away from soups and juices. • A balanced diet should include proteins, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and fats. Absence of even one of these could cause damage to the hair. Your hair turning grey is the first signs that your diet lacks proteins. Inadequacy of vitamin A makes hair dry and rough. Lack of vitamin C results in retarding your hair growth. • Vitamin B lends shine to the hair and increases their density. Make sure that your diet contains all these essential nutrients.
Listed below are few salad recipes you could use which could prove beneficial for hair growth.
Seasonal Fruit SaladTake some seasonal fruits like watermelon, sweet melon, papaya, pomegranate, pineapple, banana and cherries. Cut their pulp into small pieces. Remove seeds. Sprinkle black salt and eat chilled.
Beetroot-Potato SaladCut beetroot, cucumber, boiled potato, paneer (cottage cheese) and tomato into small pieces. Mix them with grated cabbage. Add fresh lemon juice, salt and pepper to one’s taste and serve.
Germinated SaladSoak some pulses like moong (yellow lentil) and black gram overnight. When germinated, add tomato, small bits of onion, coriander leaves, lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste.

Even though natural texture and the rate at which your hair grows cannot be changed by what you eat, you can improve the way it looks and feels by switching over to a nutritious, well balanced, protein rich diet.
NORMAL HAIR Eat: Low fat fish, chicken, pulses like dals and sprouts.
DRY HAIRIncrease intake of low cholesterol, polyunsaturated oils such as margarine, sunflower oil, fruits and foods rich in Vitamin B. Eat: Foods rich in vitamin B, raw vegetables, pulses, wholemeal bread, brown rice, liver, bananas, nuts and oily fish. A supplement of Vitamin E capsules will also help. Avoid: Salty and fatty cheeses.
OILY HAIR This condition stems from over secretion of the sebaceous glands. Eat: Lots of green leafy vegetables, salads, fresh fruits, yoghurt, baked and grilled dishes. Avoid: Fried and greasy foods, milk products and red meat.
MIXED-CONDITION HAIR Eat: Plenty of vegetables and fresh fruits. Avoid: Butter, cheese and deep fried foods.
DULL HAIR Eat: Foods rich in minerals - green vegetables, nuts, lentils, wholegrain cereals, shrimps, oily fish and milk.
HAIR WITH DANDRUFF/FLAKY SCALP Eat: Fresh fruits and vegetables, fish and vitamin A rich foods. Avoid: Dairy products, spicy food, piping hot food and animal fat.
FOR SHINY TRESSES Does your hair look unhealthy and lack luster? • Start using conditioners regularly. • It is Important that you also rinse off the conditioner thoroughly after wash. • A easy way to get the shine back in your hair is to use tea-water as a rinse or use a mug or two of water to which you’ve added juice of half a lemon/or a table spoon of cooking white vinegar as a final rinse. • You will feel the difference. |
It helps to use a hair conditioner regularly. And while you look for the best brand to buy, you could try this one at home. Soak half a cup of rose petals in hot water for some time. Take half a mashed banana (full if you have long tresses), one table-spoon honey, and a tablespoon of coconut/olive oil. Blend all the four ingredients tin a blender. Massage well into your hair and scalp, and leave the conditioner on for about half an hour. If you can wrap a warm towel around your head the conditioner will have a better effect. Make sure that you wash off conditioner thoroughly with shampoo. |
Regular massage of fresh amla mashed to a paste will do wonders. The application of this paste will improve the colour of hair (delay the process of greying), prevent your hair from falling and moreover has a cooling effect on the entire system. |