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Monday, 9 November 2015

Aromatherapy for Parents with Teenagers

If you are the parent of a teen, you are certainly aware of how much your family dynamics have changed in recent years. It doesn't seem all that long ago that you were the center of your children's universe. Remember when you were the one they came to when they had bruised shins and broken hearts? Well your once little baby is now approaching adulthood, testing his or her independence, and at times your patience.

You may find yourself struggling with many dichotomies. For instance, while you are aware of and respect your teen's growing demands for privacy, you may have concerns about their friends or interests. Or you may want to establish strong boundaries, and yet at the same time you want to help your teen become independent.

So while your teenager is facing a profound transition in life, you as a parent are as well. Now is the time to evaluate issues not only with your children, but also with yourself. What are your boundaries? Are you a secure and trusting person? Are you someone with whom your teen can and wants to communicate?

If you feel you need guidance with some of these issues, there are many great books on the market about raising teens. Establish a support system with other parents in your community. You can also find wonderful support systems at online parenting communities and chat rooms.

Meanwhile, the use of aromatherapy on a daily basis will help you stay balanced, gain more insight, open yourself to trust your teen, and communicate your feelings and life perspective in a compassionate and calm manner. Below are several aromatherapy recipes to help you survive the teen years!

Each recipe below should be prepared in a 10ml glass bottle. Pour the essential oils first and then add organic vegetable oil to fill.


This blend will help you to remain balanced. It will calm your mind and emotions when you experience symptoms of stress and nervous tension.

6 drops Sandalwood 
7 drops Lavender 
5 drops Marjoram 
2 drops Rose otto 
Massage the solar plexus and abdomen. Pour one-third of the blend into your warm bathwater and soak for at least 15 minutes. Pour a few drops into the palm of your hands and inhale deeply as needed throughout the day.


This blend will help you feel more grounded, centered and assertive when a need arises to establish new boundaries with your teen.

6 drops Rosemary 
5 drops Cypress 
6 drops Cedarwood 
4 drops Sandalwood 
Massage the solar plexus and lower back. Pour one-third of the blend into your warm bath water and soak for at least 15 minutes. Pour a few drops into the palm of your hands and inhale deeply as needed throughout the day.


This blend soothes your emotions and enhances a profound sense of emotional security and comfort while accepting the natural steps of your teen's growth.

3 drops Rose 
5 drops Sandalwood 
5 drops Orange 
4 drops Pine 
Massage the solar plexus and abdomen. Pour one-third of the blend into your warm bath water and soak for at least 15 minutes. Pour a few drops into the palm of your hands and inhale deeply as needed throughout the day.


This blend supports and opens communication with others while releasing any anger, resentment, guilt or frustration held within the body and mind.

4 drops Lavender 
5 drops Sage 
4 drops German Chamomile 

Massage the throat, neck, and shoulders. Pour one-third of the blend into your warm bath water and soak for at least 15 minutes. Pour a few drops into the palm of your hands and inhale deeply as needed throughout the day.

Source : http://www.aromalchemy.com

Relaxing Herbal Bath
1 part dried hops
1 part dried chamomile flowers
1 part dried lavender buds
lavender essential oil (optional)

Combine the herbs in a glass bowl, and add 1 drop of lavender essential oil for each 3/4 ounce of the herb mixture that you have. Place into a glass container and cover. (recycled jar that are cleaned and dried work well). Instructions: Place 1/4-1/2 cup of the bath tea into a muslin bag, cheese cloth (tie with kitchen string) or a tea ball. Drop or hang into the bath tub as it fills for your bath. OR you can steep the same amount of tea for 15-20 minutes, strain, and add the liquid to your bath.

Soothing Milk Bath

2 cups dry powdered milk (regular or dried goat milk powder) 1/2 cup
Epsom salts
1/2 cup sea salt
1/2 cup baking soda
6 drops lavender essential oil
4 drops rose or rose geranium essential oil

Mix all the ingredients but the oils, together into a glass bowl. Drop the oils in and work it together with a large wooden spoon or rubber spatula. Pour into a container--leave the lid off for a day or so--then stir and cover. Give with instructions. To Use: 1/2 cup or into a warm bath while it fills.

Technique to Reawaken Your Compassionate Self 

In order to reawaken your compassionate self, it is important that you become aware of your feelings. Take an occasional moment out of your busy schedule to reflect on your emotions. Find a quiet, peaceful place where you can center yourself and take some time alone. Sit comfortably, breathe deeply and allow all emotions to come up to the surface.

Acknowledge your feelings and honestly reflect on them. Love yourself, your whole personality, and forgive your mistakes--as mistakes are simply lessons. Think not from your head but also from your heart, feel and be fully present. 

Blend to Reawaken Compassion

Prepare the following mixture in a 10ml glass bottle. Pour the essential oils in first, then fill with vegetable oil (sweet almond, jojoba, etc.). 

* 4 drops Rose otto 
* 12 drops Sandalwood 
* 6 drops Cypress

Anoint the heart chakra and third eye. Pour a few drops into the palms of your hands and inhale deeply. Pour a few drops into your warm bath water and soak for at least 15 minutes. 

Sunday, 11 October 2015

Herbal Oils 

Plant ingredients can be extracted by oils. You can use one herb or combine herbs in the same oil. By using different herbal combinations, you can make strong medicinal oils (for external use only) or sweet-scented massage and bath oils. Once you have made the oils, they can be made into salves or ointments.

There are lots of carrier or base oils to choose from. My favorite for medicinal purposes is olive oil. For bath, massage, or cosmetic oils, I prefer to use apricot kernel oil, almond oil, or grapeseed oil because these are light and easily absorbed by the skin. Grapeseed is the lightest of the three. Also, none of these have a strong scent to overpower the herbs. For cooking oils, I use corn, canola, or olive oil. My favorite for taste and health is cold-pressed, extra-virgin olive oil.

You can use fresh or dried herbs. Fresh herbs should be placed in a shaded, warm place for several hours or overnight, after picking. This allows most of the moisture to evaporate. If you don't do this, the oil will look milky, allow mold to grow, and could even sour. St. John's wort flowers, rosemary, comfrey, calendula, and chickweed are good herbs to make medicinal oils and salves from.

Use the flowers from St. John's wort with the cold infusion method. These flowers should not sit overnight; put them in oil as soon as you pick them, and when you strain the oil, do so through cheesecloth.

Make rosemary oil and salve from oils infused by the hot method. First, strip the leaves from the stems, and let them sit overnight to dry a little.

Standard portions for infused oils are 2 to 3 ounces of dry herb to 2 cups oil, but if you wish to use my simple method: fill a glass pot with the chosen herb or herb blend, and cover it with oil plus 1 more inch. Then choose which method you are going to use: hot or cold.


1. Let the herb you want to infuse sit overnight, so it will lose water.

2. Fill a jar with as much herb as you want to infuse to 3" from the top.

3. Fill the jar with oil enough to cover the herb, plus

2". Because herb exposed to air will mold, make sure all the herb is covered.

4. Let sit in the sun or in a greenhouse for six to eight weeks.

5. Strain into a clean, airtight, dark jar. Label, date, and store in a cool, dark place. Don't be surprised if the oil doesn't smell like the plant. It most often doesn't. For a stronger oil, repeat the process. Double oleate oils are twice as strong, and triple oleate, three times as strong, etc.


1. Let the herb you want to infuse sit overnight, so it will lose water. 

2. Fill a pot with as much herb as you want to infuse. Use a non-reactive pot. Glass is my first choice. You also can use stainless steel, enamel, or cast iron. Do not use aluminum or copper.

3. Cover the herb with oil and add two more inches of oil.

4. A double boiler is convenient, but if you don't have one, put the pot in a bigger pot that has water in it. The oil should heat slowly over low heat for three hours. Do not overheat because too intense heat will destroy the volatile oils you are trying to collect. You can do this in a crockpot on the lowest setting also.

5. Strain into a clean, airtight jar, and store in a cool, dark place.

Facial Steams 

These provide thorough deep cleansing. The heat produces perspiration, which eliminates toxins and stimulates circulation. The steam softens the skin and opens the pores, which helps the skin absorb the beneficial properties of the herbs. Recommendations: for normal skin, once a week-for oily skin, 2 or 3 times a week-for dry skin, once every 2 weeks.


The following herbs are for soothing and gentle cleansing: applemint, chamomile, chervil, lavender, lemon balm, rose petals, spearmint, and thyme.

For improved circulation: rosemary and nettles. 

For healing: comfrey root and leaves, and fennel.

For oily skin: calendula, horsetail, lupine seed, sage, and yarrow. 

For dry skin: borage, houseleek, lady's mantle, marsh mallow roots, parsley, burnet, sorrel, sweet violet.

For mature skin: dandelion, elder flowers, lemon verbena, red clover, tansy.


Use 2 handfuls of fresh herb or 3 TBS dry. Tie back hair; remove make-up. Pour 6 cups boiling water over herbs. Stir with a chopstick. Hold your face 12" from the solution, making a tent over your head with a towel. Close your eyes. Takes 10 to 15 minutes. 

Rinse with warm water, then cold, then with witch hazel. A diluted vinegar or infusion of peppermint, elderflower, sage, or yarrow dabbed on with cotton will tighten the pores. Avoid sudden changes in temperature for an hour.


The herbs in these blends release their healing properties in the steam, cleansing pores of debris, impurities and oil. All the herbs are used dried, except watercress, which is always used fresh.

2 tsp. lemon-balm leaves
2 tsp. rose petals
2 tsp. lavender blossoms
2 tsp. linden flowers

2 tsp. chamomile flowers
2 tsp. fennel seeds
2 tsp. rose petals
2 tsp. arnica flowers, calendula flowers, or comfrey leaves

2 tsp. thyme leaves
4 tsp. fresh watercress
2 tsp. arnica flowers

2 tsp. nettle leaves, peppermint leaves or yarrow blossoms

Monday, 7 September 2015

Eat yourself beautiful 

Top 10 Superfoods for clear skin & luscious hair

The secret to a bright complexion? Strong luxurious hair? Strong healthy nails? Sure, we can all try to achieve this with our makeup and hair products, but nothing looks and feels as good as having bright skin radiate from the inside, and your hair healthy all year round, all from just incorporating into your diet, these 10 superfoods.
Now even more great reasons to enjoy blueberries! This little fruit softens dry skin, boosts your brain, and may even prevent cancer. The antioxidants within these berries also help protect you against premature ageing, so add half a cup to your diet a day.

This leafy green vegetable is rich in nutrients and antioxidants. Spinach is loaded with lutein, which keeps your eyes healthy and sparkling. Spinach is also a good source of vitamins B, C, and E, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, and omega-3 fatty acids. Trade your lettuce for spinach, or saute spinach for a quick, healthy side.
Dark Chocolate
No-one will judge you if you keep a secret stash of chocolate in your purse, car, desk… (or all of the above). In fact, it is recommend you do — Especially if you’re willing to share. Dark chocolate helps skin stay hydrated and protects the skin from sun damage, and contrary to popular belief, chocolate does not cause acne. Before you make a mad dash to the shops to stock up, however, keep in mind that the best kind of chocolate has a high flavonol content and should be at least 60 percent cacao.
Fresh salmon with parsley and lemon
Wild Salmon
Wild salmon (not farm raised) is one of the best food sources for omega-3 fatty acids, which helps keep your skin supple and moisturized. Salmon also has selenium, a mineral that protects the skin from sun exposure. The vitamin D in salmon keeps your bones and teeth strong and healthy, too. You won’t have a problem adding salmon to your diet since there are hundreds of ways to enjoy this beauty superfood. Try it grilled, baked, in your pasta, with a salad, in sushi, or just with a side of asparagus.
One cup of low-fat yogurt has more calcium than a cup of fat-free milk, which is great for your posture, nails, and teeth. Mix it with fruit or granola for a healthy breakfast or that essential midafternoon snack.

Tomatoes are the best source of the anti-aging antioxidant lycopene. Surprisingly, lycopene in tomatoes is more easily absorbed by your body when it is cooked or processed, so make sure to stock up on canned tomato sauce, tomato juice, and ketchup – Beware of the added salt/sugar though.
Kiwi Fruit
His small, brown, fuzzy fruit is loaded with vitamin C and antioxidants, which keep skin firm, help prevent wrinkles, and are great for healthy bones and teeth. The antioxidants in kiwis also protect you from cancer and heart disease.
You don’t need to eat cupfuls of walnuts to enjoy their many benefits: smoother skin, healthy hair, brighter eyes, and strong bones. Get your daily dose of nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E by eating a handful by themselves or throwing some in your salad, pasta, or dessert.
I am still unsure about whether oysters are aphrodisiac or not? But they are a good source of zinc, which aids in skin cell renewal and repair. Zinc also keeps your nails, hair, and eyes healthy. Who needs an aphrodisiac when you look and feel beautiful?
Avocados are a great source of antioxidant carotenoids like alpha carotene, beta carotene, beta cryptoxanthin, zeaxanthin and lutein. These free radical quenching compounds provide significant protection for your skin from the environmental damage that leads to fine lines, wrinkles and other visible signs of ageing. Packed with Vitamin C & E, Omega Acids and is also high in Oleic Acid content. This monounsaturated fatty acid maintains moisture in the epidermal layer of your skin, helping to make it soft and hydrated.

Hope you enjoyed reading, and I hope you have learnt something new, and if so – enjoy eating yourself beautiful!

Thursday, 13 August 2015


1. Increase circulation – Poor circulation increases your risk for developing cellulite by not providing adequate blood flow to mobilize the fat stores. There are a number of ways that we can increase circulation. First is to move. Exercise gets your heart pumping which gets your blood flowing. Moving often and regularly is a key in fighting off cellulite. Another key factor is to try to avoid tight-fitting clothing or underclothing, especially around the midsection. Tight clothes, pants and underpants that restrict are also restricting blood flow making you more prone to cellulite.
2. Mobilize Lymphatic Fluid – Lymph build-up makes cellulite appear worse by creating a “clog” not allowing the toxins and unneeded nutrients from being excreted as waste. This allows unwanted particles to build-up in fatty tissue. Exercise and massage are effective at moving lymphatic fluid as dry brushing the skin to circulate the lymphatic fluid which has no central pump.
3. Dietary Changes – Cellulite is a result of the increase in size of adipocytes caused by an increase in fat forming foods as well as toxic build-up. While there are numerous dietary changes that can and should be made, the main goal would be to convert your body from a sugar-burning, fat storing state to a fat-burning phase. This can be done through the reduction of sugary, overly processed foods and carbohydrates and an increase in healthy fats (6).
4. Detoxification – Our adipocytes are storage molecules, mostly storing fatty acids but also toxins. Toxic build-up is a harmful position for your body to be in and when the liver is in overdrive, the toxins back up and your body places them in fat cells to be stored until they can be dealt with. A good, wholesome total body detoxification program can be beneficial in the shrinkage of adipocytes and fatty tissue via the removal of toxic substances (4).
5. Increase Collagen – Collagen is the main protein found in structural connective tissue. A great way to reduce the occurence of cellulite is to consume more collagen which increase the strength of the connective tissue. The stronger the connective tissue the more resistance it can put on the fat cells preventing them from pushing up creating the cellulite appearance (7).
While there is no magic wand, cream, wrap or paste for getting rid of cellulite, there are plenty of natural healthy methods to reduce the appearance and occurrence of cellulite. These remedies deal with the fat cells themselves. To beat cellulite you have to get to the root of the issue and that is what is happening hormonally in the body via what you put in your body and how you treat it.

Friday, 17 July 2015

Eat yourself beautiful

There’s no doubt that most of us would like to stay looking younger for longer. Even the most beautiful people are looking for ways to enhance their beauty further. In the recent trend that is beauty foods it is suggested that inner and outer radiance is not just a question of our genetic makeup. So, if you were not necessarily blessed with the beauty gene then there’s hope! There could be another way for you to glow.
The key to this is the food and beverages we consume and our level of physical activity (you should aim for 30 minutes moderate exercise 5 times a week). On top of this there are various topical lotions and potions to help keep us looking ‘youthful’. But to what extreme is it possible to go in trying to stall the inevitable process of ageing?
In Japan, nutricosmetics started appearing back in the 90’s whereas in many parts of Europe and America it is still a very niche and underdeveloped market. Green tea, soy and CoQ10 are some of the best-known ingredients for supplements and functional foods from Japan, but a wealth of lesser-known foodstuffs are also the subject of enquiry into their potential health benefits. The Japanese supplement and functional food market is renowned as the most innovative in the world but other countries seem reluctant to follow in the countries desire for beauty foods.
So what is the secret to outer beauty through nutrition? According to some literature - antioxidants, the right mixture of proteins and plenty of fluids to help keep you well hydrated and eliminate the toxins from your cells. Also keeping the gut healthy by eating lots of fibre containing foods will ensure optimal absorption of these essential nutrients is achieved.
Some ingredients that have purported beautifying properties are listed below:
Beauty benefit
Food sources
Aloe vera
Enhances vitamin C and E absorption, which are potent antioxidants. Studies have also shown the anti-inflammatory properties of aloe vera.
Aloe vera leaves.
Coenzyme Q10
A precursor for energy production in cells and also acts as a powerful antioxidant. It is crucial in maintaining the integrity of cell membranes and as such may help prevent symptoms of ageing skin.
Fish such as sardines and mackerel, peanuts, soya, liver.
Is readily absorbed and thought to prevent signs of ageing by improving the quality of skin, nails and hair.
Connective tissue of animals, plant extracts.
Gingko biloba
Antioxidant properties, which could reduce damage to skin caused by free radicals.
Gingko leaves.
Green tea
Its catechins are very strong antioxidants and may reduce free radicals, which damage the skin.
Green tea leaves.
Hyaluronic acid
A highly water retentive molecule which may help reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles and improve skin elasticity.
A constituent of animal connective tissue.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids
Aid absorption of antioxidant vitamins and many of the group’s essential fatty acids have been found to possess strong anti-inflammatory properties. Keep the skin appearance looking younger and may help people with conditions such as eczema.
Vegetable oils, oily fish (mackerel, sardines and salmon), nuts and whole grains.
Soya isoflavones
May provide protection against UV induced skin ageing.
A class of compounds called phytoestrogens found soya.
Vitamin E
Helps to maintain the integrity of cell membranes by acting as an antioxidant.
Soya, corn and olive oil, almonds.
May help to protect, soothe and heal skin. May help with conditions such as dermatitis.
Milk, shellfish, dairy and cereal products.
Other common beauty ingredients that occur naturally in foods and are often added to topical lotions include a group of antioxidants called carotenoids. Of these the ones with the greatest alleged beauty benefits are lycopene, lutein, zeaxanthin and beta-carotene. As ingredients for promoting beauty they achieve this through the promotion of healthy vision, protection of the skin against UV radiation and its adverse effects on skin health and appearance. They are also antioxidants that mop up the free radicals that cause DNA damage.

Suggested reading : https://makeupgeek22.wordpress.com/2015/05/25/eat-yourself-beautiful-top-10-superfoods-for-clear-skin-luscious-hair/

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Apple Cider Vinegar & Skin Treatments!
Why apple cider vinegar is used in skin treatment?
The apple cider vinegar is able to improve the appearance and skin condition. It improves blood circulation in small capillaries which are charged for circulation on nutritive compounds in the skin. Apple cider vinegar is effective in improving pH balance in the skin and betters skin function.
It eliminates the harmful bacteria and dead skin cells. It can unblock the pores which will lead to healthier and beautiful skin.
With apple cider vinegar you will slow down the aging process. Thanks to the sulfur included your age spots and lines will diminish. The fat layers on the skin surface will be eliminated and the peeling will be reduced. If you are experiencing some skin ailments, it is smart to have apple cider vinegar by your side.
Apple cider vinegar and acne treatment
If you are suffering from the boring and unwelcome pimples, the following treatment will be of great help. The honey and apple cider vinegar are having antiseptic characteristics and are very efficient in eliminating bacteria, easing the pores, ejects extra oil and soothes the skin. Honey is very useful for skin hydration.
  • ¼ cup of honey
  • 1 cup of chamomile tea
  • ½ cup of apple cider vinegar
Combine these compounds and mix them well. Before sleeping macerate a cotton par in it and use it for cleaning your face.
Apple cider vinegar will help you remove dead skin cells
The combination of apple cider vinegar and aspirin will result in amazing peeling. It will reduce the marks from acne and make the skin softer and tender. If you like to have better results you should implement this treatment every day.
  • 150 ml apple cider vinegar
  • 90 ml mineral water
  • 1 effervescent aspirin
Combine the apple cider vinegar with the mineral water and then add the crushed aspirin into the composite. Apply it on the marks from acne, on the rough skin or widen pores.
Apple cider vinegar and pH balance
This composite will assist you in recovering the pH balance of your skin and the lavender oil will reduce the skin tickling.
  • 2/3 cup of strained water
  • 1/3 cup of apple cider vinegar
  • 3 drops of lavender oil
Combine the compounds and mix them well. Macerate a cotton pad and use it for cleaning your face.

Monday, 4 May 2015

Jasmine Face and Body Wash

Jasmine Face and Body Wash Recipe.

I started making this face wash in February, and it is a great all purpose face wash.  It even removes makeup.  I was looking for something simple and natural, since I have skin allergies.  I also wanted something that did not have chemicals.  I looked at many recipes, and eventually decided to just make something that would clean my face and still moisturize my skin a little. It also works great as a body wash.

Jasmine Natural Face and Body Wash

8 oz Dr. Bonner's Baby-Mild Castille Soap
8 oz distilled water
1 TB Almond oil
20 drops jasmine fragrance 
10 drops geranium essential oil

Put all ingredients in a bowl and whisk together.  Then pour into a pump bottle.

Rinse face with water and then use 1 squirt of face wash and start washing face.  I wash my face for approximately 1 minute, concentrating around my nose, chin, and forehead, then rinse well. You can use a toner after if you like to close your pores, and then moisturize.

Source : http://www.adornedfromabove.com

10 Amazing Things To Make With Apple Cider VinegarShare on FacebookPin on PinterestTweet about this on TwitterShare on StumbleUponShare on Google+

10 Amazing Things To Make With Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar has so many incredible benefits and uses! From DIY beauty products to home cleaners and health tonics this stuff should be featured in every home !Today we share ten of the best things you can make and do with apple cider vinegar.

Want a bottle of apple cider vinegar in your home? You can buy Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar from this page on Amazon
Make Your Own Apple Cider Vinegar – If you use a lot of apple cider vinegar (ACV) in your home, then making your own for free at home will save you money and will cut down the amount of food you waste! This brilliant recipe is made from the peels and cores of eaten apples, it’s easy to follow and only takes a few weeks to ferment.
Apple Cider Vinegar Eczema Remedy – When you or a member of your family suffers badly with eczema, you can understand how terribly painful a bad flare up can be. Whilst there are lotions and potions available to sooth the skin in the short term, there are not many long term solutions to help combat the condition once and for all! But Ashley over at thehillhangout.com sings the praises of this ACV home remedy! Why not take a look!
Sweetened Raw Apple Cider Vinegar Elixir – In order to benefit from all the wonderful qualities of ACV you must consume it in some form…most people will agree that it’s not that tasty! This is why this brilliant drink recipe from Lindsey over at delightedmomma.com is a great idea! Her simple process which is easy to follow makes ACV taste great!
Apple Cider Vinegar Sun Burn Relief – When you accidentally get sun burnt, people will turn to almost anything for some kind of relief . Not only is it painful and unsightly, it’s dangerous too! This method to provide relief with ACV will help your sunburn calm down and sooth the redness and burn of the skin allowing you to get on with your life!
Apple Cider Vinegar Facial Toner – ACV balances the pH of skin, is a powerful antiseptic and antibacterial so is a perfect ingredient for a natural homemade facial toner! This is why Lori over at laurelofleaves.com uses her ACV toner after she washes her face every morning! With easy to follow instructions, this ritual should be added to everyone’s daily beauty regime!
Apple Cider Vinegar Sports Drink Recipe – This homemade sports drink would complete any winter work out! It’s warming, refreshing and extremely good for your health! This recipe featured over at Eatdrinkbetter.com is easy to follow and offers so many benefits! So next time you work out opt for this homemade drink rather than an unhealthy and artificial store bought version.
Beat The Bloat Apple Cider Vinegar Drink – Packed full of anti-bloating qualities this drink is a perfect remedy for when your stomach starts to bloat from food! This drink helps slow the digestive process down, acting as a detox whilst helping break down fats and improve bowel movements. Head over to Betsylife.com for all the information!
Apple Cider Vinegar Shiny Hair Rinse – Who doesn’t want glossy, healthy shiny hair? Well this fantastic home recipe from Jenniraincloud.com promises to help condition your hair making it the healthiest it’s ever been. It also stimulate growth, prevents split ends and soothes a dry itchy scalp. With only four ingredients, this recipe couldn’t be easier to follow!
Non-Toxic Apple Cider Vinegar Household Cleaner – This homemade cleaner is a perfect solution to a non-toxic alternative if you are sick of using chemicals in your home. This cleaner has been tested against other cleaning brands so you can see how well it works in comparison! Scratchmommy.com has provided really easy step-by-step instructions to make sure anyone can make this brilliant recipe at home.
Apple Cider Vinegar Cough & Throat Syrup – This homemade cough recipe will help sooth the sorest of throats! It’s that time of year when people start to suffer from colds and flu, so this recipe which stars ACV is a great way to help stop the cold in it’s tracks as well as soothing any discomfort of a cold that just won’t budge!

Source : http://www.naturallivingideas.com