Confession time: when running late in the morning, my bath is often the first casualty. I either rush through it or—when it is really cold—simply skip it! As I spoke to experts, I was convinced that I needed to do some major re-thinking on this. Our skin excretes 30% of the waste products...just imagine the residue that stays behind on the skin’s surface! And yet, a nice refreshing bath is important not only from the hygiene point of view, but if done the right way, it can boost your mood and make your skin glow with health!
You heard it right. You can transform your bathroom into a spa by these small, easy changes.
1. Massage, massage and massageDermatologists and skin experts can’t emphasise this enough. A quick body oil massage, 10-minutes before your bath, has many benefits. It helps in exfoliation—removal of dead skin cells from the surface.
The physical act of massage boosts blood circulation and enables detoxifi cation. Increased circulation in turn reduces aches and pains and helps you destress.
A layer of oil prevents moisture from escaping the skin’s surface during a bath. This goes a long way in keeping the skin hydrated and itch-free. During the summer months use lighter oils, such as—coconut, eucalyptus or jasmine for a massage. Heavier oils, such as almond are best suited for winter days.
2. Bring on the goodness of essential oilsEssential oils give plants their fragrance. They contain vitamins, plant hormones and other natural elements. Many of us associate aromatic, essential oils with expensive spa treatments.
Bathroom must-haves1. Loofah or back brush : It is a must for proper exfoliation. Opt for a vegetable loofah.
2. Use a back brush for cleansing the back.
3. Pot pourri bags :These will keep the bathroom smelling fresh and nice.
4. Shower gel or body scrub - Choose them over regular soap as they are not harsh on the skin.
Body scrubs can be made at home as well
5. Pumice stone : Scrub feet regularly with a pumice stone during a bath. It is necessary to slough off the dead cells.
6. Essential oils
Always keep calming (lavender/sandalwood) and energising (lemon/peppermint/camphor) oils handy.
7. Aromatic candles
Keep a collection that addresses different moods—calming, energising or healing.
The truth is that this is not always the case and you can reap many health benefi ts when you use them at home. Aromatherapy refers to the use of essential oils for physical and emotional benefits.
The use of aromatic scents has been shown in many studies and in individual experience to have a very real, if temporary, effect on people’s feelings and moods. So, while we wait for science to prove conclusively if aromatherapy can lower your blood pressure, we’re more than happy to recommend a scented bath if it makes you more relaxed (or rejuvenated). And God knows how much we need that!
The right oil to use:
Different oils have different effects on our senses. Take your pick:
To rev up Try bergamot, camphor, cinnamon, peppermint, rosemary, lemon, geranium. They perk up your senses by increasing blood circulation and help you focus better. Start your day with a bath scented with their energy.
Calm down with jasmine, lavender, chamomile, sandal wood and ylang ylang. A perfect end to a tense, highstress day.
Aches and pains Lavender can help deal with migraine and also high blood pressure. Sandalwood essence helps relieve PMS symptoms.