Thursday, 15 January 2009
Wrinkles treatment @ Home
Here are some simple home remedies to deal with wrinkles on skin and prevent the formation of new ones –Apply egg whites to the skin under your eyes.Odour-free castor oil can be applied to the skin under the eyes or on that of the throat.
Empty the contents of 3 Vitamin E capsules into a small bowl. Add to this 2 tsps plain yogurt, 1/2 tsp honey and 1/2 tsp lemon juice. Apply this mixture on the face using a cotton ball. Leave it on for 10 minutes and rinse.Gently massage coconut oil on portions of skin prone to wrinkles every night a bedtime.
A paste of turmeric with sugarcane juice is great to get rid of wrinkles and slow skin ageing.Cut a green Thompson seedless grape in half and gently crush it on your face on the wrinkles. Leave it for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water and let it dry in natural air.
Rub the core of pineapple on the face and leave it for 10-15 minutes before rinsing off. This works well on fine wrinkles.Applying juice of green pineapples and apples on the face daily for 10-15 minutes is good for fine wrinkles and cracked skin.Application of pure castor oil regularly prevents wrinkles.
Home Remedies for Glowing Skin & Smooth Skin
You can transform your dry skin into a super smooth, soft, supple, and glowing skin by using these home remedies.
1. Mash a banana with milk and apply on face and leave it for 20 minutes. Wash it with cold water.
2. Apply honey on your face and neck for 20 minutes. Wash it with cold water. Your skin will glow and become soft and smooth.
3. Mix egg white with honey and apply on the face for 20 minutes. Wash it with cold water.
4. Make a paste of one teaspoon of walnut powder, honey and lemon juice. Scrub your face with this paste and leave it for 20 minutes. Wash it with cold water.
5. Rub a piece of papaya on your face and neck for 15 minutes.
6. Make a paste by mixing 2 tablespoon turmeric (haldi) powder in orange juice. Scrub it on your face and neck and leave it for 20 minutes. Wash it with cold water.
7. Make a paste by mixing mashed banana, honey, lemon juice and margarine. Apply on face for overnight. Smear on hands and feet, and wash off in the morning (wear Gloves in hands and socks in feet).
8. Boil cabbage in water. Wash your face with this water.9. Powder mango peels and mix 1 teaspoon milk powder and rub on face, neck, and hands. Wash it off after 15 minutes.
10. Mix one cup of sugar with 1 tablespoon fresh lemon / lime juice. While taking bath, lather your body and face heavily with a soft soap like Dove. Scrub the whole body and face with the sugar mixture on the lather.
11. After a shower apply vaseline over your entire body. Shower again after one hour. Repeat twice a month.12. Mix corn (polenta) flour with egg white and apply on your face. When your face is dried completely in about 1/2 an hour, put your fingers in warm water and massage your face. Repeat daily for 10-15 days.
Hair Care:
1. Olive Oil Hair Mask - Mix 5 tablespoon of olive oil with 2 eggs. Apply throughly to hair. Wrap head with plastic wrap or a shower cap. After 15 minutes rinse well.
2. Honey & Olive Oil Hair Mask - 1Mix 2 tablespoon honey with 3 tablespoon olive oil. Apply throughly to hair. Cover hair with plastic wrap or a shower cap. After 15 minutes shampoo and rinse well.
3. Beautiful Gorgeous Hair Mask - 2After you shampoo your hair, pour 1 cup fresh lemon juice or vinegar through hair and massage and rinse with water. Apply your usual conditioner and wash with water. It will remove all the dirt and your hair will be shine sparkling. Do not repeat this method before 2 weeks.
4. Beautiful Gorgeous Hair Mask - Grind fenugreek (methi) seeds soaked in water overnight. Massage this paste on scalp and hair and leave it for15-20 minutes. Wash it off with a mild shampoo. This paste is good for all types of hair problems, viz. dandruffs, falling hair, thinning of hair, baldness, split hair, etc.
5. Hair Rinse for soft and shiny hair - Mix 1 Tbsp of following herbs with enough boiling water and let it stand for 1/2 an hour. Add 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar and mix well. Shampoo your hair. Pour mixture over hair repeatedly. Vinegar will seal the hair cuticle. Use the herbs as following:For hair general care: rosemary leaves, nettle, burdock root, elder flowersFor dry hair: chamomile flowers, comfrey root, nettle, elder flowersFor oily hair: lemon peel, , peppermint, lemongrass
6. Shining Hair - Mix juice of one fresh orange, water, 1 tablespoon Honey and a few drops (5-7) of sandalwood oil. Use as an after-shampoo rinse. Beat two eggs in a tablespoon of milk and apply on your hair. Rinse your hair after 5-7 minutes to get an instant shining.Add a 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in water and rinse your hair.
7. For Damaged Hair - Mash a ripe banana with a few drops of almond oil and massage into hair. Leave it for about 15 minutes. Rinse with soda water and then shampoo and condition.
8. Dry Hair - Mix 1 tablespoon of honey in half cup of full cream milk. Massage on the scalp and leave it for 15 minutes. Wash with a mild shampoo.Combine 1 banana, 1 egg, 1/4 cup honey, about 3 Tbs of milk and about 5 Tbs spoons of olive oil. Massage on the scalp and leave it for 15 minutes. Wash with a mild shampoo.Zinc and essential fatty acids (pumpkin seeds, nuts, vegetable oils) are good for dry hair. Eating the foods rich in zinc help.
9. Falling Hair, Hair Loss - Rub Indian gooseberry (Amla) into the scalp regularly. It can show wonderful results, it will stop hair falling.Eat a protein rich diet inluding green leafy vegetables, carrots, mango, dried apricots, whole grain cereals, sprouts, lentils in the daily diet for the hair loss and falling hair.
10. Split Hair - Oil your hair twice a week with coconut oil mixed with fresh lime juice.
11. Frizzy Hair - Make an after-shampoo rinse by mixing one tablepsoon of honey to a liter of water. Use it after every hair wash with your usual shampoo.
Dark eye circles....remedy
Dark Circles under eye are generally due to a lack of sleep, fatigue, stress, deficiency or some disease. Take all precautions to avoid strain on the eyes.o Eight hours of sleep is a must for all of us, specially for people having dark circles under their eyes.o Close your eyes and cover eyelids with slices of raw potato or cucumber for 15-20 minutes. Wash with warm water and apply a cream.o Grate a cucumber, squeeze to take out its juice and refrigerate. Make a mixture of lepiece in a 1:1 mixture of potato and cucumber juices. Put the cotton on your eyelids and keep for 20 minutes. Wash your eyes with cold water.
Apply a mixture of lemon and tomato juice (equal parts) on the black circles 2 times a day.
Apply a paste of turmeric powder with pineapple juice for dark circles under the eyes.
Apply crushed mint around the eye.
Massage with almond oil under and around eyes at bed time daily for 2 weeks and see the improvement. Almond helps to remove dark circles, and is an excellent "skin food".
Remove the cream applied around the eye after 10 min. No cream should be left on the skin around the eyes for long periods.
Rub the area with a powdered Vitamin E capsule and wipe off with a mixture of honey and egg white.
Put hot and cold clothes alternatively under eyes for 10 minutes. Then apply some almond oil on the dark surface before going to bed.o The acuupressure point for eyes is on the mount below the index finger of your palms. Pressing this mount may help.
Puffiness of Eyes:Apply vitamin E or olive oil. Tie some potato grates in a cloth and place over
For better Vision: Eat vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin A.
Immerse carrot leave in hot water and leave for a few minutes. Drink the liquid 3 times a day before meals.
Dip cotton balls in rose water or cold water and keep under the eyes for 10 minutes.
Take Ginkgo.
Try chamomile tea bags cooled over eyes.
Beautiful Hands...
Hand care recipes:
· For rough hands take a tspn of sugar and lemon juice. Rub palms till sugar dissolves. Wash of with cold water.· For rough hands boil potatoes, peel them before they get cold. Rub the pulp on hand and fingers.· Mix a few drops of lemon juice and glycerine in whole milk cream. Rub on your hands and fingers at night.· Wash your hands with lemon juice mixed water.· Glycerine mixed with rose water or cucumber juice rubbed on hands cleans the skin.· Massage hands and fingers with almond oil at night.
Natural Facial Masks
· Turmeric Facial Mask - This is the traditional mask, also used for a bride, seven days in advance of marriage. Take in a cup half a cup of besan (gram flour), 2 tsp of turmeric powder, 2 tsp of sandal wood powder, 2 tsp of ghee or almond oil, add some water to make a paste. Apply to face and whole body and leave for 5-10 minutes. Rub with pressure with both palms and fingers to remove all the paste.
Honey Facial Mask - Rinse your face with warm water to open up the pores. Apply honey and leave for half an hour. Rinse with warm water, then use cold water to close the pores. Rinse with warm water, then use cold water to close the pores.
Oily Skin Mask - Mix 1 tsp. brewer’s yeast with plain yogurt to make a thin mixture. Apply it thoroughly into all the oily areas and leave for 15 - 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water, then use cold water to close the pores.
Dry Skin Mask - Mix 1 tsp. of butter in 1 teaspoon of water. Apply it thoroughly into all the dry areas and leave for 15 - 20 minutes. Rinse with cold water.
Banana Mask for wrinkles - Mash 1/4 banana until very creamy and apply on face and leave for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with warm water, then use cold water to close the pores.
Avocado Facial Mask - Mash the meat of the avocado into a creamy texture. Apply it thoroughly on face and leave for 15 - 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water, then use cold water to close the pores.·
Oatmeal Facial Mask - Take 2 tsp oatmeal and 1 tsp baking soda and add water to make paste. Apply to face and all over the skin and rub gently.
Facial Mask - Squeeze half a lemon and mix the juice with one beaten egg white. Apply on your face and leave for overnight. Wash your face with warm water.
Clay Facial - Choose the right clay for your skin type. Add plain water or floral waters or try wetting agents such as fruit purees . Make a thick paste of the clay. Apply the mask to your skin and let it dry for 20 minutes. Rinse well with warm water and pat dry. Repeat weekly.
Multani (Gypsum) Mitti Body Mask - Make a paste of multani mitti adding water to the mitti powder. Apply to whole body and hair. Take bath after half an hour.
Grape Cleanser - Split 2-3 grapes and rub the flesh over face and neck. Rinse with cool water.· Banana Face Pack for Dry Skin - Mash half cup of natural yogurt, 1 tablespoon of honey, and 1/4 ripe banana. Apply this pack on face and neck and leave for 10 minutes and then rinse off.·
Cucumber Face Pack to get Smooth Skin - Mash 1 whole cucumber, strain water, add 1 tablespoon of sugar and mix well. Put in a container,l keep refrigerated and take out whenever you want to use it. Apply on your face and leave for 10 minutes, then wash with cold water and enjoy the smoothness of your skin.
Food for Healthy & Beautiful Skin
1. Almond Oil - Almond oil is good for dryness of the skin and for removing scars of old pimples. Ground the outer cover of 3-5 almonds in with water and apply over the face daily.
2. Apples - Apply or drink juice of pineapple for body and facial pains.Apply juice of green apples for fine wrinkles, cracked skin, itching and inflammations.
3. Apricots - Apply fresh juice of apricots on face good for sunburn, itching, and eczema.
4. Bengal Gram Flour- Apply a paste of Bengal Gram flour with yogurt for the treatment of pimples and other skin allergies. Apply green gram flour mixed in water or glycerine for improving complexion.
5. Cucumber - Apply cucumber juice or grated cucumber or cucumber juice mixed with juices of carrot, lettuce or alfalfa over the face for skin eruptions.
6. Drumsticks - Apply a paste of ground drumstick pods and leaves with fresh lime juice for the treatment of pimples, black spots and blackheads.
7. Fenugreek - Apply a paste of fresh fenugreek leaves in water over the face every night and washed with warm water in the morning for preventing pimples, blackheads, dryness, and wrinkles. Apply a decoction on the face, made by boiling 1 tspn fenugreek seeds in 1 liter water for a few of minutes for preventing pimples, blackheads, dryness, and wrinkles.
8. Garlic - Rub raw garlic on the face for persistent pimples. The pimples will disappear without scars with repeated applications. Mix 3-4 raw, skinned garlic, finely cut garlic with puffed rice, and swallow with water to clear skin infections quickly.
9. Groundnut Oil - Mix 1 tsps groundnut oil with 1 tspn fresh lime juice to prevent formation of blackheads and pimples .
10. Honey - Apply honey (1 tspn) mixed with water for all skin blemishes. This will turn your skin glowing. Apply honey mixed with milk, yogurt, and ground sesame seeds in equal proportions for fair complexion and lovely skin.
11. Lime Juice - Apply fresh lime juice mixed to a glass of boiled milk as a face wash for pimples blackheads, and cracked skin.
12. Mangoes - Boil mangoes leaves and skin in water and apply for skin infection.
13. Mint - Apply fresh mint juice over the face every night for the treatment of pimples, insect stings, eczema, scabies, & other skin infections.
14. Neem Leaves - Swallow 10 fresh ground neem leaves with water to clear the skin.Chew fresh neem leaves and then swallow with water to remove bad odor from the mouth.
15. Orange - Apply a paste of ground orange peel (dried) with water for acne/pimples.
16. Papaya or Paw Paw - Apply and drink the juice of raw papaya including the skin and seed for treatment of swelling pimples, acne, or any abnormal growth of the skin. It also removes whiteheads, boils, and spots. Rub raw or ripe papaya on your face to get a smooth and glowing skin.
17. Pineapples - Apply or drink juice of pineapple for body and facial pains. For removing fine wrinkles, rub the core of pineapple for a few minutes and leave for 15 minutesApply juice of pineapples for fine wrinkles, cracked skin, itching and inflammations.
18. Pomegranate - Make a paste of roasted & powdered pomegranate skin with fresh lime juice and apply over boils, pimple, blackheads and whiteheads.
19. Potatoes - Apply grated potatoes as poultice to treat skin blemishes, wrinkles, boils, pimples, blackheads, whiteheads , etc.
20. Radish - Make a paste of ground radish seeds with water and apply on face to remove blackheads. Apply grated white radish or its juice for fairer complexion.
21. Rice - Apply a paste of rice powder with water as a poultice for soothing bleeding pimples and skin inflammations.
22. Sesame Seeds - Apply a paste of ground seasame seeds with water as poultice for inflammation of the skin due to allergies, skin rashes, and pimples.
23. Tomatoes - Apply red tomatoes pulp on your face for treatment of pimples for 1 hour, then wash thoroughly.
24. Turmeric - Apply a paste of turmeric powder with pineapple juice for dark circles under the eyes. Apply a paste of turmeric powder with gram flour or whole wheat flour for minor skin blemishes. Apply a paste of turmeric powder with sugarcane juice to remove wrinkles and to prevent skin ageing.
25. Wheat Flour - Apply a paste of whole wheat flour with vinegar to remove dark spots.26. Yogurt - Apply a paste of yogurt with wheat flour as a cleanser
Wrinkle Treatment : Skin Wrinkles
1. Regular facial is very effective to control wrinkles.
2. Massage increases blood circulation, which results in tightening of the muscles and tissues, thereby reducing the fleshiness of the skin and restoring a young look. However, this process is very slow.
3. Blemishes and age spots can become fainter by applying lemon juice a few times a day.
4. Apply a paste of turmeric powder with sugarcane juice to remove wrinkles and to prevent skin ageing.
5. Cut a Green Thompson seedless grape in half and gently crush it on your face at wrinkles (lines). Leave it on for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water and let it dry in natural air. Wrinkles will disappear.
6. Rub the core of pineapple on the face for a few minutes and leave for 10-15 minutes. This is excellent for fine wrinkles.
7. Apply juice of green pineapples and apples the face daily and leave for 10-15 minutes.This is excellent for fine wrinkles and cracked skin.
8. To prevent wrinkles, apply pure castor oil.
9. Clean the face. Remove make-up to open the pores of skin. Remove oilyness by lime juice or cleansing milk.
10. Start the massage from the neck upwards and end at the forehead.
11. Applying a good quality cream with a firm pressure with the fleshy tips of fingers. Do not apply pressure around eyses. Continue massage for 15 minutes.
12. Wipe off the face with a wet cotton.
13. For fast removal of wrinkles, massage with your all the fingers of both the hands rapidly with rapid circular motion.
4. For wrinkles on jaw, pinch the skin between your thumb and fingers. Pinching is also good if you have double chin.
4 tsp peppermint oil
the juice of 2 lemons. I used to either squeeze fresh lemons or the bottles with pre-squeezed lemon juice.
4 tsp almond oil
4 tsp geranium oil
2 tsp camphor
Just mix the ingredients together and add 1 tsp to your bath.
1~Banana, Sour Cream & Honey~Mash 1/2 banana and add 1 tablespoon honey and 2 tablespoons sour cream. Apply to face and let set for about 10 minutes. Gently wipe off with a damp wash cloth
2~Simple Cornmeal~Two tablespoons of cornmeal mixed with enough water to make a thick paste makes a great inexpensive facial mask. Gently apply to face and wash off.
3~Almonds and Berries~In a food processor or blender, combine 1/2 cucumber, 1 tablespoon yogurt, a few strawberries, and 1 teaspoon honey. Apply to face and allow to dry. Gently wipe off with a damp wash cloth.
4~Easy Avacado~Mash half of an avocado and apply to entire face. Let set for about 20 minutes and then gently wipe off with a damp wash cloth.
5~Apricot Cream~Soak 1 cup dried apricots in water until softened. Puree in blender or food processor with 2 tablespoons skim milk powder. Apply to face and let set about 15 minutes. Gently wipe off with a damp wash cloth.
6~Cucumber Yogurt~Puree 1/2 peeled, sliced cucumber in a blender or food processor and add 1 tablespoon yogurt. Apply to face and let set about 20 minutes. Gently wipe off with a damp wash cloth.
4 tsp peppermint oil
the juice of 2 lemons. I used to either squeeze fresh lemons or the bottles with pre-squeezed lemon juice.
4 tsp almond oil
4 tsp geranium oil
2 tsp camphor
Just mix the ingredients together and add 1 tsp to your bath.
1~Banana, Sour Cream & Honey~Mash 1/2 banana and add 1 tablespoon honey and 2 tablespoons sour cream. Apply to face and let set for about 10 minutes. Gently wipe off with a damp wash cloth
2~Simple Cornmeal~Two tablespoons of cornmeal mixed with enough water to make a thick paste makes a great inexpensive facial mask. Gently apply to face and wash off.
3~Almonds and Berries~In a food processor or blender, combine 1/2 cucumber, 1 tablespoon yogurt, a few strawberries, and 1 teaspoon honey. Apply to face and allow to dry. Gently wipe off with a damp wash cloth.
4~Easy Avacado~Mash half of an avocado and apply to entire face. Let set for about 20 minutes and then gently wipe off with a damp wash cloth.
5~Apricot Cream~Soak 1 cup dried apricots in water until softened. Puree in blender or food processor with 2 tablespoons skim milk powder. Apply to face and let set about 15 minutes. Gently wipe off with a damp wash cloth.
6~Cucumber Yogurt~Puree 1/2 peeled, sliced cucumber in a blender or food processor and add 1 tablespoon yogurt. Apply to face and let set about 20 minutes. Gently wipe off with a damp wash cloth.
Ayurveda is the new buzzword for beauty.
An Indian woman's recourse to beautiful skin and hair for centuries, it is now the base for some of the bestselling modern beauty products in India. But in this image-conscious environment, looking after appearance is imperative. Relax. There are simple and easy remedies to all your skin, body and hair problems. And you need not spend a fortune. Just a little self-discipline and pampering can bring back the glow that you lost to the stresses of every day life in a very natural way.Help is only a hand's reach away. The kitchen shelf is a treasure trove of all that a complete beauty treatment needs. Whether it is an annoying pimple that sprouted overnight, dark circles that seem to get darker or fine lines around your mouth, natural remedies work like magic on all these and many more such problems. All it requires is little time and some patience.
With life moving in the fast lane, stress, worries and negative thoughts make the skin look dull as it is the most vulnerable organ of our body. Simple measures can change all that," she adds.Natural treatments are not merely a fashionable concept but a sure cure for various ailments. The best thing about these treatments is that they have no side effects. And that is the reason why I always advise women to go back to their roots. Holistic beauty is a way of life. For you are what your lifestyle is. So, if you lead a healthy lifestyle, your skin, eyes and hair will have the glow of good health. Ayurveda, the ancient science of healing which believes in using herbs and natural sources for treating all that ails the body and mind, believes in this philosphy. Natural healing alternatives are fast gaining international acceptance. Here are some simple recipes for a glowing you:
For the body:
• Drink plenty of water, buttermilk and lime juice and avoid sugary and heavy fried foods, especially during summer. Eat more steamed vegetables, poultry and fish. Combine it with fresh salads, fruits, sprouted lentils, beans and chick peas and large glasses of seasonal fruit juices.
• To lighten under-eye dark circles, mix together 2 tsp mint paste and 1/2 cup milk. Freeze to make an ice cube. Rub them daily around your eyes for effective results.
• If you suffer from regular headaches, soak your feet in warm water for about 15 minutes daily.
• If you have yellow teeth, mix lemon peel powder with a teaspoon of salt and add water to make a hard paste. Polish your teeth daily with this and within a week, you'll have a sparkling white smile.
• To thicken eyelashes, rub them daily with castor oil.• If you are suffering from pimples because of constipation, take a cup of warm milk last thing at night to cleanse the stomach naturally!
Skin remedies:
• During summer, keep your face well moisturised with a drop of almond oil.• Grated cucumber is a cooling astringent face mask. It not only feels good but also makes the skin feel cleaner and toned.
• Apply mashed and chilled watermelon on oily skin for the same effect. • Clay packs absorb excess grease on oily skins. Even those with dry and combination skins can use it once a week. Mix 2 tbsp fuller's earth, 2 tbsp honey and juice of 1 lemon.
• Grate a cucumber and squeeze out the juice from it. Mix in 1 tsp honey to the juice to make a tonic that refreshes your skin, especially during changing weather.
For the hair:
• Add 5 drops of lemon oil to your last rinse to make a naturally refreshing fragrance that's cooling and fresh.
• For extra body and shine, mix lemon juice, a glass of strained tea decoction and use it as an after-shampoo rinse.• To treat very oily hair, add 2 tsp of vinegar to the last rinse for a shine and super bounce.
• To help falling hair, grind 20 hibiscus flowers and leaves. Mix this paste with two eggs and apply to the hair and scalp. Leave it on for an hour and shampoo. Do this twice a week for one month.
• If you have very tangled hair, apply 5 tbsp honey and leave it on for 5 minutes. Rinse for super silky hair.
• A quick remedy for clumped, sticky hair during times when you have no time to shampoo: sprinkle talcum powder on a hairbrush and brush out your hair from the nape to the ends. This will reduce surface oiliness.
• To treat very dry hair, mix 2-3 tsp of mayonnaise with 1 tsp honey and apply it into the scalp and hair strands. Leave it on for 15 minutes and shampoo for a luxuriously soft feel!
For the skin:
• Cleansing scrub for oily skin: Mix 1/4 cup fuller's earth, 1/4 cup dried orange peel and 2 tbsp sandalwood powder/oatmeal and store in a container. Take one tsp of the mixture and mix in a little water to make a paste. Rub it over the face and rinse it with warm water. Use every alternative day.
• Toners: Mix a tbsp of lemon juice or a tbsp of malt vinegar in a glass of water. • Cabbage or cucumber juice, mixed with rose water, is an excellent toner. Add a pinch of alum and two drops of spirit of camphor. Keep a bottle of any of these toners handy for frequent use during the day.
• To shrink open pores: Mix tomato juice and honey and apply it to the skin daily for ten minutes. Rinse off. It helps close them.• Moisturising oily skin: Use an oatmeal sandalwood scrub (mix together 1 tsp each, oatmeal and sandalwood powder) to cleanse the skin. To tone, add 1 tsp vinegar to a glass of water, rub all over the face and leave it on for 15 minutes. Do this regularly for a smooth and moist texture.
• Moisturising dry skin: After cleansing the skin with soft soap, tone it with rose water. Apply a tsp of glycerine mixed with a few drops of vitamin oil or amla (gooseberry) oil on the face. Rinse after 20 minutes. Use this moisturising preparation on the face .
24 hours to glowing skin!
Follow this routine for great skin health and see the difference.
What's the one thing that is a sure reflection of your inner health? Good skin and healthy hair, without a doubt.
Beyond the daily cleansing, moisturising or shampoos that are required to keep skin healthy and hair shiny and beautiful, other measures can have a real impact on your looks.
Don't worry that they will add to your daily chores. They may require a bit of time and thought at first, but once you make them a part of your daily routine, you'll see the results coming-looks that are fresh, smooth and healthy throughout your life!
Exercise regularly
As we have said before, regular exercise is very important to get healthy, glowing skin and healthy hair.
Eat right
Add some good sources of vitamins and anti-oxidant nutrients to your diet. Include orange or yellow vegetables such as carrots, winter squash, yellow bell peppers, green leafy vegetables such as spinach, methi and broccoli, and citrus and other fruits in your diet. Use olive, sunflower or vegetable oils, rich in MUFA, for cooking.
Morning 8 am
Wash your face with warm water and a mild facewash. Use a bodywash and a natural loofah for bathing. Do it right
Wet your face with tepid to warm water.
Place a small amount of facewash on your palm.
Use a soft sponge to gently rub it all over the face.
Splash your face with running warm water several times to rinse off the facewash properly.
Choose your facewash depending on your skin type. For instance, go for an oil-free formulation if you have oily skin; and an alcohol-free cleanser in case of dry skin.
Massage your body with oil, if you have the time, before your bath.
Use a mild bodywash and a natural loofah (to exfoliate).
Apply a body lotion while the skin is still damp for better moisturisation. Skip it, if the weather is humid.
After the skin is cleansed, apply a sunscreen. This is a must. You should use it even if you are indoors. It's best to go for a brand that gives you both UVA and UVB protection and has an SPF of 30 or more. Various reputable brands such as Neutrogena and VICHY are available. A sunscreen will also keep your skin moisturised.
Tips to keep skin healthy:
Diet Have lots of fruits and colourful vegetables; these have powerful anti-oxidantsExercise At least half an hour. It is essential to boost your circulation8 am Use a sunscreen daily with SPF 30 or more11 am Use moisturisers with anti-oxidants like Vitamins A,C and E1 pm Go for skin-polishing or peels done by a dermat, if required7 pm Use mild, liquid facewash and shower gels10 pm Apply a good night cream on your face, neck and hands. Massage your feet with olive/sunflower oilAny time Splash cool water on your face several times a dayGo for a relaxing facial once in 3-4 weeksTake vitamin supplements Vitamins A,C,E and B-complex along with minerals
Mid morning 11 am
At this time it is appropriate to apply daytime moisturisers as they are lighter and are quickly absorbed by the skin.
If you are 30-plus, opt for brands that contain antioxidants such as Vitamins A, C and E.
These moisturisers help fight damage caused by pollution, sunlight, stress and smoke.
Spritz your face with water to hydrate it.
Snack on nuts, such as walnuts and almonds, to get skin-healthy fatty acids.
Afternoon 2 pm
Re-apply the sunscreen if you are to step outdoors.
Spritz water on the face.
Wash your hands and apply a moisturiser while they are still wet. This will help keep them soft and supple.
Evening 7 pm
Once you get back home from work or the outdoors, wash your face with a facewash and cold water.
Snack on fruits, and sip green tea to get anti-oxidants.
Soak your feet in warm water to get relief from tiredness. Add an essential oil, such as lavender, to feel refreshed.
While doing house/kitchen work wash your hands with liquid handwashes for better care of your hands.
Night 10 pm
It is a myth that you should not apply anything on the skin at night to allow your skin to 'breathe'. The fact is that most moisturisers and night creams contain special ingredients that give best results when used at night.
Applying a vitaminenriched cream also helps. Vitamin A reduces sun damage to the skin; Vitamin C prevents wrinkles and Vitamin E helps enhance the effects of Vit C on the skin.
Use anti-ageing cream on your hands and neck as well. In case of very dry hands, massage them with olive oil.
De-stress before going to sleep. Watch a sitcom, read, chat with your kids, listen to soothing music, take a warm bath or simply meditate for 10 minutes. This will help you sleep better. Getting a good night's sleep of 7-8 hours goes a long way in keeping your skin young and healthy.
Easy home-made packs for softer, younger hands and feet
Mix pomegranate juice with soya flour and make a paste. Put on hands and feet after washing them with warm water and a mild handwash. Leave for 20 minutes, then rinse.
Take papaya paste, mix with mashed apples. Clean your hands and feet with warm water, massage them with sunflower oil and then apply paste on them. Leave for 20 minutes, then rinse
Take aloe vera gel; add some turmeric and a little tomato juice to it. Massage hands and feet with almond oil and then apply this paste. Leave it for 20 minutes, then rinse And if your skin feels dry, apply a light moisturiser.
Follow this routine for great skin health and see the difference.
What's the one thing that is a sure reflection of your inner health? Good skin and healthy hair, without a doubt.
Beyond the daily cleansing, moisturising or shampoos that are required to keep skin healthy and hair shiny and beautiful, other measures can have a real impact on your looks.
Don't worry that they will add to your daily chores. They may require a bit of time and thought at first, but once you make them a part of your daily routine, you'll see the results coming-looks that are fresh, smooth and healthy throughout your life!
Exercise regularly
As we have said before, regular exercise is very important to get healthy, glowing skin and healthy hair.
Eat right
Add some good sources of vitamins and anti-oxidant nutrients to your diet. Include orange or yellow vegetables such as carrots, winter squash, yellow bell peppers, green leafy vegetables such as spinach, methi and broccoli, and citrus and other fruits in your diet. Use olive, sunflower or vegetable oils, rich in MUFA, for cooking.
Morning 8 am
Wash your face with warm water and a mild facewash. Use a bodywash and a natural loofah for bathing. Do it right
Wet your face with tepid to warm water.
Place a small amount of facewash on your palm.
Use a soft sponge to gently rub it all over the face.
Splash your face with running warm water several times to rinse off the facewash properly.
Choose your facewash depending on your skin type. For instance, go for an oil-free formulation if you have oily skin; and an alcohol-free cleanser in case of dry skin.
Massage your body with oil, if you have the time, before your bath.
Use a mild bodywash and a natural loofah (to exfoliate).
Apply a body lotion while the skin is still damp for better moisturisation. Skip it, if the weather is humid.
After the skin is cleansed, apply a sunscreen. This is a must. You should use it even if you are indoors. It's best to go for a brand that gives you both UVA and UVB protection and has an SPF of 30 or more. Various reputable brands such as Neutrogena and VICHY are available. A sunscreen will also keep your skin moisturised.
Tips to keep skin healthy:
Diet Have lots of fruits and colourful vegetables; these have powerful anti-oxidantsExercise At least half an hour. It is essential to boost your circulation8 am Use a sunscreen daily with SPF 30 or more11 am Use moisturisers with anti-oxidants like Vitamins A,C and E1 pm Go for skin-polishing or peels done by a dermat, if required7 pm Use mild, liquid facewash and shower gels10 pm Apply a good night cream on your face, neck and hands. Massage your feet with olive/sunflower oilAny time Splash cool water on your face several times a dayGo for a relaxing facial once in 3-4 weeksTake vitamin supplements Vitamins A,C,E and B-complex along with minerals
Mid morning 11 am
At this time it is appropriate to apply daytime moisturisers as they are lighter and are quickly absorbed by the skin.
If you are 30-plus, opt for brands that contain antioxidants such as Vitamins A, C and E.
These moisturisers help fight damage caused by pollution, sunlight, stress and smoke.
Spritz your face with water to hydrate it.
Snack on nuts, such as walnuts and almonds, to get skin-healthy fatty acids.
Afternoon 2 pm
Re-apply the sunscreen if you are to step outdoors.
Spritz water on the face.
Wash your hands and apply a moisturiser while they are still wet. This will help keep them soft and supple.
Evening 7 pm
Once you get back home from work or the outdoors, wash your face with a facewash and cold water.
Snack on fruits, and sip green tea to get anti-oxidants.
Soak your feet in warm water to get relief from tiredness. Add an essential oil, such as lavender, to feel refreshed.
While doing house/kitchen work wash your hands with liquid handwashes for better care of your hands.
Night 10 pm
It is a myth that you should not apply anything on the skin at night to allow your skin to 'breathe'. The fact is that most moisturisers and night creams contain special ingredients that give best results when used at night.
Applying a vitaminenriched cream also helps. Vitamin A reduces sun damage to the skin; Vitamin C prevents wrinkles and Vitamin E helps enhance the effects of Vit C on the skin.
Use anti-ageing cream on your hands and neck as well. In case of very dry hands, massage them with olive oil.
De-stress before going to sleep. Watch a sitcom, read, chat with your kids, listen to soothing music, take a warm bath or simply meditate for 10 minutes. This will help you sleep better. Getting a good night's sleep of 7-8 hours goes a long way in keeping your skin young and healthy.
Easy home-made packs for softer, younger hands and feet
Mix pomegranate juice with soya flour and make a paste. Put on hands and feet after washing them with warm water and a mild handwash. Leave for 20 minutes, then rinse.
Take papaya paste, mix with mashed apples. Clean your hands and feet with warm water, massage them with sunflower oil and then apply paste on them. Leave for 20 minutes, then rinse
Take aloe vera gel; add some turmeric and a little tomato juice to it. Massage hands and feet with almond oil and then apply this paste. Leave it for 20 minutes, then rinse And if your skin feels dry, apply a light moisturiser.

Five fruits that work magic on your skin
Face it. Fruits can make you glow in more ways than one.
1. Papayas
"A papaya contains the enzyme papain, making it an excellent cleanser. It also helps revive blemished and undernourished skin. It is particularly good for oily skin and also lightens skin colour," says beauty expert Shahnaz Husain.
* Use ripe papaya pulp as it is or mix with oatmeal, honey or curd and apply on your face for 10 minutes. Rinse off with cold water when dry.
* Put a mix of papaya and cucumber pulp under the eyes to minimise dark circles.
2. Apples
"Apart from vitamins and minerals, apples also contain pectin and tannin that help tone and tighten the skin and improve blood circulation. Apples are specially effective for those with sensitive and fair skin," says natural beauty expert Suparna Trikha.
* To take care of sunburnt skin, add a teaspoon of glycerine to apple pulp (grate the apple or put in mixie) and apply on your face for fifteen minutes. Wash off with cold water.
* For tired and undernourished skin, mix two teaspoons of grated apple, two pieces of mashed papaya, one teaspoon of fresh cream and a teaspoon of China clay. Apply the mixture to a clean face and leave for 15 minutes. Wash off with cold water for healthy-looking skin.
3. Bananas
"Fresh, ripe bananas make excellent face masks. Bananas don't only tighten and cleanse pores, they also revitalise dry skin," says Dr Shobha Sehgal, head of business, day spa and beauty zone, VLCC.
* Mash two ripe bananas with a tablespoon of honey. Smooth over the face and leave for 10-15 minutes. Rinse with cold water to reveal soft, supple and hydrated skin.
4. Oranges
"The citrus family is best known for its astringent and toning properties. Rub fresh orange peel on your skin to tighten it and lighten the colour," says beauty expert Shahnaz Husain.
1. Papayas
"A papaya contains the enzyme papain, making it an excellent cleanser. It also helps revive blemished and undernourished skin. It is particularly good for oily skin and also lightens skin colour," says beauty expert Shahnaz Husain.
* Use ripe papaya pulp as it is or mix with oatmeal, honey or curd and apply on your face for 10 minutes. Rinse off with cold water when dry.
* Put a mix of papaya and cucumber pulp under the eyes to minimise dark circles.
2. Apples
"Apart from vitamins and minerals, apples also contain pectin and tannin that help tone and tighten the skin and improve blood circulation. Apples are specially effective for those with sensitive and fair skin," says natural beauty expert Suparna Trikha.
* To take care of sunburnt skin, add a teaspoon of glycerine to apple pulp (grate the apple or put in mixie) and apply on your face for fifteen minutes. Wash off with cold water.
* For tired and undernourished skin, mix two teaspoons of grated apple, two pieces of mashed papaya, one teaspoon of fresh cream and a teaspoon of China clay. Apply the mixture to a clean face and leave for 15 minutes. Wash off with cold water for healthy-looking skin.
3. Bananas
"Fresh, ripe bananas make excellent face masks. Bananas don't only tighten and cleanse pores, they also revitalise dry skin," says Dr Shobha Sehgal, head of business, day spa and beauty zone, VLCC.
* Mash two ripe bananas with a tablespoon of honey. Smooth over the face and leave for 10-15 minutes. Rinse with cold water to reveal soft, supple and hydrated skin.
4. Oranges
"The citrus family is best known for its astringent and toning properties. Rub fresh orange peel on your skin to tighten it and lighten the colour," says beauty expert Shahnaz Husain.
* Take the juice of two oranges and freeze it in an ice tray. Rub your face with the frozen orange juice cubes whenever you need to look good after a tiring day. The orange juice will give your tired, dull and oily face an instant pick-me-up sheen.
5. Pomegranates
"Pomegranates are excellent for oily and combination skin. Rich in AHA, pomegranate juice acts as an astringent and is a natural toner too," says Suparna Trikha.
* Pound pomegranate seeds and use as a face scrub. This will remove excess oil and make your skin look fresh.
* Using cottonwool, massage around 50 ml pomegranate juice on your face for 10 minutes. Wash off for an instant glow.
5. Pomegranates
"Pomegranates are excellent for oily and combination skin. Rich in AHA, pomegranate juice acts as an astringent and is a natural toner too," says Suparna Trikha.
* Pound pomegranate seeds and use as a face scrub. This will remove excess oil and make your skin look fresh.
* Using cottonwool, massage around 50 ml pomegranate juice on your face for 10 minutes. Wash off for an instant glow.
Jojoba for the skin, grapefruit for the face, basil and mint for the hair... Who said summer's dry and dull?
You don't need your newspaper to tell you it was the hottest day in the last whatever years. You've faced and 'haired' the brunt! So while the air-condi tioners and refrigerators work overtime, you need to turn on your own coolants as well.
Slogging it out in office all day, stepping in and out of air-conditioned environments, braving the dust and grime? A face mist spray is a must in your bag! Make it at home by adding five drops of pure sandalwood oil and two teaspoon of honey in a litre of distilled water. Refrigerate it and spray on before stepping out into the sun and on returning, to reduce sunburn.
To instill life into oily or limp hair, try, this after-shampoo rinse. Boil a handful of basil and mint leaves with the juice of four lemons and add to a litre of distilled water. Prickly heat? Ouch! Mix pure sandalwood powder with your regular talc or spray fresh ly ground basil on the affected area.
You can make cool face packs in very little time and with very little effort. Beauty expert Suparna Trikha suggests making a face wash with four tablespoon of Fuller's earth (tnul-tani mitti) and half teaspoon camphor blended well with rosewater. Fighting a tan? Paint the tanned area
You don't need your newspaper to tell you it was the hottest day in the last whatever years. You've faced and 'haired' the brunt! So while the air-condi tioners and refrigerators work overtime, you need to turn on your own coolants as well.
Slogging it out in office all day, stepping in and out of air-conditioned environments, braving the dust and grime? A face mist spray is a must in your bag! Make it at home by adding five drops of pure sandalwood oil and two teaspoon of honey in a litre of distilled water. Refrigerate it and spray on before stepping out into the sun and on returning, to reduce sunburn.
To instill life into oily or limp hair, try, this after-shampoo rinse. Boil a handful of basil and mint leaves with the juice of four lemons and add to a litre of distilled water. Prickly heat? Ouch! Mix pure sandalwood powder with your regular talc or spray fresh ly ground basil on the affected area.
You can make cool face packs in very little time and with very little effort. Beauty expert Suparna Trikha suggests making a face wash with four tablespoon of Fuller's earth (tnul-tani mitti) and half teaspoon camphor blended well with rosewater. Fighting a tan? Paint the tanned area
Flowers that Cure :
What do flowers mean to you? Freshness? Probably. Romance? In some cases. Beauty? All the time. These are edifying attributes. They contribute to an indefinable feeling of happiness. In short, flowers make us feel good.It’s a bit of a surprise to learn that flowers can contribute something rather more physical to our wellbeing.Essential oils of flowers have been used for years in alternative therapies.
A lot of research has gone into it and you’ll find flowers in several creams, lotions and even capsules and tablets.Let's Find Out then..! The seeds of the evening primrose are used to produce evening primrose oil, an excellent source of the omega-6 essential fatty acid. This is used for several skin disorders, and may also help prevent diseases involving the breasts and central nervous system. Studies have shown that oral supplements containing this oil can help inflammatory skin conditions including eczema, and atopic dermatitis.
“Primrose oil is also beneficial for pre menstrual syndrome (PMS) and attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It is easily available in capsule form,” says Dr Budhiraja. Aside from its health benefits, says Dr Shushant Shetty, vice president, beauty services, at the beauty chain VLCC, evening primrose oil has good cosmetic uses. “It helps cure acne scars, dry eyes and dry skin, and also contributes to strong and healthy hair and younger looking skin,” he says. Doctors recommend sunflower oil as a cooking medium because sunflower seeds are an excellent source of vitamin E, the body’s primary fat-soluble antioxidant. “Vitamin E also plays an important role in the prevention of cardiovascular disease,” says Dr Budhiraja. The vitamin E content is also useful if you have acne, because it soothes several types of skin irritations. “Like every other oil, sunflower oil helps the skin retain moisture. What sets sunflower oil apart, however, is that it provides the skin with a natural barrier against bacteria and other irritants that are at the root of most blemish issues” says Suparna Trikha, a natural beauty expert. “That’s why sunflower oil can be found in skin care products such as soaps, body wash and lotions,” adds Dr Shetty.
Commonly known as the English marigold, calendula is particularly remarkable in the treatment of wounds. That’s because it contains chemicals that increase blood flow to the affected area, and promote the production of collagen proteins. “Calendula petals have anti-inflammatory, astringent, and antiseptic (antibacterial and antiviral) properties, and may even offer immune-stimulating actions,” says Dr Amrit Kalsi, senior medical officer (homeopathy) , Delhi government. “Astringent actions promote healing. Moreover, it can reduce the swelling and itching associated with insect bites and may even help to prevent infection due to its antimicrobial actions.” The dried petals of the calendula plant are used in tinctures, ointments, and washes to speed the healing of burns, bruises, and cuts. It is also drunk as a tea for gastro-intestinal disorders. “This tea can be refrigerated and used to take care of nappy rashes and sunburns,” adds Suparna. Says Blossom Kochhar, “Add marigold flowers to your bath water as they are effectivefor broken veins as well as certain types of acne.” While essential oils from geranium leaves are known for their toning, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial strengths, geranium can also help relax tight muscles. “Add the geranium flower to bath water as it helps improve circulation. Besides this, it is widely used in hand and body lotions and moisturisers,” says Blossom. The oil of the geranium makes a good astringent. “It also has great antiseptic properties and restores the balance to dry or oily skin and hair. You can also make a tea with the leaves and flowers. Geranium is perfect for making face creams and if you add oatmeal to it, you get an excellent body scrub,” reveals Suparna. The geranium also has soothing qualities and helps relieve symptoms of anxiety and insomnia as well as PMS. It is reputed to help heal bruises, sunburns and varicose veins too.
What do flowers mean to you? Freshness? Probably. Romance? In some cases. Beauty? All the time. These are edifying attributes. They contribute to an indefinable feeling of happiness. In short, flowers make us feel good.It’s a bit of a surprise to learn that flowers can contribute something rather more physical to our wellbeing.Essential oils of flowers have been used for years in alternative therapies.
A lot of research has gone into it and you’ll find flowers in several creams, lotions and even capsules and tablets.Let's Find Out then..! The seeds of the evening primrose are used to produce evening primrose oil, an excellent source of the omega-6 essential fatty acid. This is used for several skin disorders, and may also help prevent diseases involving the breasts and central nervous system. Studies have shown that oral supplements containing this oil can help inflammatory skin conditions including eczema, and atopic dermatitis.
“Primrose oil is also beneficial for pre menstrual syndrome (PMS) and attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It is easily available in capsule form,” says Dr Budhiraja. Aside from its health benefits, says Dr Shushant Shetty, vice president, beauty services, at the beauty chain VLCC, evening primrose oil has good cosmetic uses. “It helps cure acne scars, dry eyes and dry skin, and also contributes to strong and healthy hair and younger looking skin,” he says. Doctors recommend sunflower oil as a cooking medium because sunflower seeds are an excellent source of vitamin E, the body’s primary fat-soluble antioxidant. “Vitamin E also plays an important role in the prevention of cardiovascular disease,” says Dr Budhiraja. The vitamin E content is also useful if you have acne, because it soothes several types of skin irritations. “Like every other oil, sunflower oil helps the skin retain moisture. What sets sunflower oil apart, however, is that it provides the skin with a natural barrier against bacteria and other irritants that are at the root of most blemish issues” says Suparna Trikha, a natural beauty expert. “That’s why sunflower oil can be found in skin care products such as soaps, body wash and lotions,” adds Dr Shetty.
Commonly known as the English marigold, calendula is particularly remarkable in the treatment of wounds. That’s because it contains chemicals that increase blood flow to the affected area, and promote the production of collagen proteins. “Calendula petals have anti-inflammatory, astringent, and antiseptic (antibacterial and antiviral) properties, and may even offer immune-stimulating actions,” says Dr Amrit Kalsi, senior medical officer (homeopathy) , Delhi government. “Astringent actions promote healing. Moreover, it can reduce the swelling and itching associated with insect bites and may even help to prevent infection due to its antimicrobial actions.” The dried petals of the calendula plant are used in tinctures, ointments, and washes to speed the healing of burns, bruises, and cuts. It is also drunk as a tea for gastro-intestinal disorders. “This tea can be refrigerated and used to take care of nappy rashes and sunburns,” adds Suparna. Says Blossom Kochhar, “Add marigold flowers to your bath water as they are effectivefor broken veins as well as certain types of acne.” While essential oils from geranium leaves are known for their toning, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial strengths, geranium can also help relax tight muscles. “Add the geranium flower to bath water as it helps improve circulation. Besides this, it is widely used in hand and body lotions and moisturisers,” says Blossom. The oil of the geranium makes a good astringent. “It also has great antiseptic properties and restores the balance to dry or oily skin and hair. You can also make a tea with the leaves and flowers. Geranium is perfect for making face creams and if you add oatmeal to it, you get an excellent body scrub,” reveals Suparna. The geranium also has soothing qualities and helps relieve symptoms of anxiety and insomnia as well as PMS. It is reputed to help heal bruises, sunburns and varicose veins too.
Hydrating your skin with fresh air and keeping it away from the maladies of air conditioning is extremely important. A five-minute skin cleansing, toning and moisturising routine and having a healthy lifestyle can work wonders for your skin. Here are some wonderful skin toners and tighteners that can be created from natural ingredients.
Apple cider oily and combination toner:
200ml apple cider, 1tsp powdered camphor, 1 drop witchazel
Mix all the ingredients and store in a bottle and use it to wipe skin three times a day. The ingredients will help tone and clean the skin as well as increase blood circulation.
Honey and rose toner for dehydrated and dry skin:
200ml of pure rose water, 2tsp raw honey, 2 drops lavender essential oil
Mix all the ingredients well and store in a bottle in the fridge. Wipe the skin with this three times a day for cleansing, toning and moisturising.
Egg white skin souffle:
2 egg whites, whipped till it peaks and put in freezer, 1tsp honey, 1tsp china clay
Clean the skin and mix these ingredients and brush onto the skin with a broad flat brush and relax. Let it dry completely [avoid talking] and wash off with ice water and pat dry. This is excellent to fade out fine lines and wrinkles.
Papaya porcelain mask:
2 cubes mashed papaya, 2tsp grated cucumber, 2tsp fullers earth, a pinch of powdered camphor BP, 1 egg white, rose water to mix to a smooth paste.Mix all the ingredients and apply on a clean skin. Let dry and wash off with lukewarm water and pat dry.
Honey age care:
3 tsp raw honey, 2tsp fresh cream, 50 gms beeswax, 1tsp wheat germ oil, 1tsp olive oil
Heat the beeswax in a double boiler and add all the ingredients except the fresh cream, stir in well and let cool. On cooling add the fresh cream and stir well until it becomes a smooth consistency. Pour into a glass air-tight jar and refrigerate. Massage for 20 min. You can safely store this in the fridge for up to 10 days. It is an excellent skin polisher and hydrater.
Hydrating your skin with fresh air and keeping it away from the maladies of air conditioning is extremely important. A five-minute skin cleansing, toning and moisturising routine and having a healthy lifestyle can work wonders for your skin. Here are some wonderful skin toners and tighteners that can be created from natural ingredients.
Apple cider oily and combination toner:
200ml apple cider, 1tsp powdered camphor, 1 drop witchazel
Mix all the ingredients and store in a bottle and use it to wipe skin three times a day. The ingredients will help tone and clean the skin as well as increase blood circulation.
Honey and rose toner for dehydrated and dry skin:
200ml of pure rose water, 2tsp raw honey, 2 drops lavender essential oil
Mix all the ingredients well and store in a bottle in the fridge. Wipe the skin with this three times a day for cleansing, toning and moisturising.
Egg white skin souffle:
2 egg whites, whipped till it peaks and put in freezer, 1tsp honey, 1tsp china clay
Clean the skin and mix these ingredients and brush onto the skin with a broad flat brush and relax. Let it dry completely [avoid talking] and wash off with ice water and pat dry. This is excellent to fade out fine lines and wrinkles.
Papaya porcelain mask:
2 cubes mashed papaya, 2tsp grated cucumber, 2tsp fullers earth, a pinch of powdered camphor BP, 1 egg white, rose water to mix to a smooth paste.Mix all the ingredients and apply on a clean skin. Let dry and wash off with lukewarm water and pat dry.
Honey age care:
3 tsp raw honey, 2tsp fresh cream, 50 gms beeswax, 1tsp wheat germ oil, 1tsp olive oil
Heat the beeswax in a double boiler and add all the ingredients except the fresh cream, stir in well and let cool. On cooling add the fresh cream and stir well until it becomes a smooth consistency. Pour into a glass air-tight jar and refrigerate. Massage for 20 min. You can safely store this in the fridge for up to 10 days. It is an excellent skin polisher and hydrater.

How to Get a Fair Complexion:
The causes for a dark skin or complexion could be many. Some of the most common ones are heredity - people who have a dark skin often have children who are dark-skinned too, hyperpigmentation, skin disorders and sun rays.
You can make a face mask from ordinary kitchen goods. Here are some recipes which are inexpensive to make and you probably have the ingredients right in your kitchen. Home remedies must be done regularly and best results are obtained if they are inculcated as a part of daily routine.Aloe vera, apple cider vinegar, buttermilk, castor oil, dandelion sap and lemon juice are some popular home remedies used to lighten complexion and dark spots on face. Apply to the face once or twice a day.
You can make a face mask from ordinary kitchen goods. Here are some recipes which are inexpensive to make and you probably have the ingredients right in your kitchen. Home remedies must be done regularly and best results are obtained if they are inculcated as a part of daily routine.Aloe vera, apple cider vinegar, buttermilk, castor oil, dandelion sap and lemon juice are some popular home remedies used to lighten complexion and dark spots on face. Apply to the face once or twice a day.
Tip!If you use lemon juice, wait until it dries before going into the sun. Don't forget to use sun screen products.
Honey & Almond Face MaskMix 1 tsp of milk powder, 1 tsp of honey, 1 tsp of lemon juice, and ½ tsp of almond oil. Apply on face and wash off after 10-15 minutes. This pack helps bring shine to the skin and also removes tan.
Oatmeal & Tomato Face MaskMix oatmeal with curd and tomato juice and apply on the face. Keep it on for 20 minutes and then wash it off with cold water. It helps remove the tan and lightens the skin.
Milk & Lime Face Mask: A tbsp of gram flour mixed with 2 tsp of raw milk and 2-3 drops of lime juice works well for lightening dark skin. Apply this mixture and leave it for 15 minutes before washing off. Repeat for 4 weeks and follow up with once a week.
Almond & Milk Face Mask: Soak 4 almonds overnight. Grind into a fine paste using milk. Apply on face and neck and leave it overnight. Wash with cold water in the morning. Do this daily for 15 days, followed by twice a week.
Almond & Milk Face Mask: Soak 4 almonds overnight. Grind into a fine paste using milk. Apply on face and neck and leave it overnight. Wash with cold water in the morning. Do this daily for 15 days, followed by twice a week.
Mint Leaves Face Mask: Apply a paste of fresh ground mint leaves and leave it for about 20 minutes. Wash with cold water, continue for 15 days.
Tomato Juice & Lime Face Mask: Apply a mixture of grated tomato with 2-3 drops of lime juice on the face. Leave it for 20 minutes before washing off. Do this twice a day for 15-20 days for best results.
Dark Skin home remedies and natural cures :
Here are some simple home remedies that you can do to lighten the skin tone and get a lighter complexion. However, they must be done regularly and best results are obtained if they are inculcated as a part of daily routine.
Mix 1 tsp of milk powder, 1 tsp of honey, 1 tsp of lemon juice, and ½ tsp of almond oil. Apply on face and wash off after 10-15 minutes. This pack helps bring shine to the skin and also removes tan.
Mix oatmeal with curd and tomato juice and apply on the face. Keep it on for 20 minutes and then wash it off with cold water. It helps remove the tan and lightens the skin.
Place sliced raw potato on the face. It helps reduce blemishes and other marks.Applying turmeric powder along with lime juice removes the tan. Lime juice is a natural bleach.
Dried orange peels mixed with curd also help reduce blemishes and scars. Wash off this mixture with cold water after 15 minutes.
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