Homemade Facials
..Home Truths...
It never fails. Just when you thought you’d seen the last of the face invaders, they’re back and largerthan life! Suddenly, you feel like an alien, and the only thing you want to do move…to another planet. But wait! Instead of waging war on you skin by blasting blemishes wit supersonic zit creams and harsh scrubbing, take the kinder, gentler approach, just like the women from the past who made good use of everyday items like fruits, vegetables, nuts and cereals for enhancing their beauty. Grandma’s recipes obviously work, because even the most exotic spas of Europe are veering towards herbal and natural therapies. The best part? You can whip these up in seconds using things that are sitting in the refrigerator or on the kitchen shelf. Masks, facials, packs and cleansers made of homegrown stuff all work in gentle, natural ways to soothe, stimulate, relax, tone or clear the skin. Though you may go according to different or problem skin types, a tutti-frutti approach may be better: everyone’s skin is a combination of oily and dry elements. You might want to use a mask for oily skin on the nose, forehead and chin and mask for dry skin everywhere else. You can even take a Chinese restaurant approach, and combine, say honey with egg in the same skin category. However, you can cook up your mask, apply it to a cleansed skin and let it do the good work for fifteen or twenty minutes while you relax. Feet up on the pillows or resting on the slant board will double the benefits of any helper you put on the skin. Remember, skin is an all-over affair. Don’t stop with just nourishing your face – spread the good work to hands, to the throats and shoulders. After twenty minutes, splash away the facial with cool or lukewarm water.
Following are a few homemade facials that will help make your skin beautiful and vibrant.
Citrus and grapefruit mask for oily skin type:
lemon's juice
cored apple
1-2 egg whites
30-40 seedless grapes
Mix ingredients together in a blender. Apply on your face and leave for fifteen minutes, then rinse off with warm water.Grapefruit unclogs pores and lemon is an excellent astringent and clarifier, while egg whites tighten the skin. Expect a tingle with this mask-that means its working but if your skin is dry it could start to burn. If this
occurs, wash it off immediately.
Fruit Masque for dehydrated skin:
1 cup of mixed mashed fruit (try melon, peaches, strawberries, and bananas)
2-3 Tbsp. Double cream
3 tsp. cottage cheese
1 tsp. brown sugar
4 tsp. oatmeal powder
Blend all the ingredients together and apply on your face. Relax for ten minutes, and rinse off with warm water. The luscious combination of cream and juicy fruits works wonders after a hot day in the sun and helps refresh the skin.
Honey Mask
1 tbsp. honey
1 egg white
2 tsp. glycerin
1/3 cup flour
Whisk the honey, egg white and glycerin, and then add the flour. The result should be a thick paste. Apply
to face and rinse after 15 minutes This mask effectively moisturizes and tightens the skin, making it smooth
and soft.
Egg Mask
1 egg white
Separate the egg white from the yolk. Put the egg white on your face and relax for about 15 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water.
This mask leaves your skin smooth, refreshed and tightens your skin.
Egg yolk
Separate the yolk from the egg white. Mix the yolk and apply over clean skin. Let it set for about 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
The egg yolk acts as an ant-oxidant and does wonders for your complexion as it pulls impurities out of your skin, leaving it soft and healthy.
Yoghurt Moisturizing Mask
Plain yoghurt
Smooth yoghurt over your face and let it set for about 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water.
This mask is super-simple and will add lots of moisture to your skin. Especially a treat to people having dry skin. Plus, it's great for those of us who hate spending time in the kitchen and want something that's quick to prepare and easy to make.
Egg and Honey Facial
1 egg yolk
1 tsp. honey
1 tsp. vitamin E oil
1 tsp. almond oil
Mix all ingredients together, stirring until smooth. To use, apply to face and rinse with warm water after 15 minutes.
This easy mask is suitable for all skin types. It clarifies and moisturizes the skin, leaving it cleansed and silken. Egg yolks contain anti-oxidants, which are very beneficial to our skin.
Vegetable Mask
1/2 tomato, mashed (remove seeds and skin)
2 tsp. curd
1 tsp. mashed cucumber
3-4 tsp. oatmeal powder
3 crushed mint leaves.
Mix ingredients together and apply on your face. Wait for ten minutes, and then wash off with warm water. This mask works well for oily skin, since it absorbs the surplus oils. Tomatoes are excellent anti-oxidants, and the curd prevents excessive drying.
Fruity Facials
Crush strawberry and apply on face and leave it on for 2/3 minutes and then rinse with plenty of water. Strawberry is rich in vitamin c and is very refreshing for your skin. However some people are allergic to strawberry so before applyinh test it on your skin and if there is any irritation then do not apply.
Crush papaya and apply on face and leave it on for 5 minutes. Rinse off with plenty of water.
Papayas contain an enzyme 'papain', which is useful in exfoliating the skin.
Crush watermelon and apply on the face for 5 minutes and then rinse. Watermelon cleanses the skin.
Additional Homemade Facials
• Mix 1 1/2 teaspoons honey, the juice from 1/2 of a lemon, and 3-tablespoon yoghurt. Stir in 1 whipped egg white. Apply to face and let set about 15 minutes. Then wash off with lukewarm water.
• Make a paste from a little oatmeal and water. Apply to face and let it dry. Then wash off with lukewarm water.
• Mash half of an avocado and apply to entire face. Let set for about 20 minutes and then wash off.
• Mash 1/2 banana and add 1-tablespoon honey and 2 tablespoons sour cream. Apply to face and let set for about 10 minutes. Then wash off with lukewarm water.
• Two tablespoons of cornmeal mixed with enough water to make a thick paste makes a great inexpensive facial mask. Gently apply to face and wash off.
• Soak 1 cup dried apricots in water until softened. Puree in blender or food processor with 2
tablespoons skim milk powder. Apply to face and let set about 15 minutes. Then wash off with lukewarm water.
• In a food processor or blender, combine 1/2 cucumber, 1-tablespoon yoghurt, a few strawberries, and 1-teaspoon honey. Apply to face and let it dry. Then wash off with lukewarm water.
• To loosen blackheads, combine equal parts baking soda and water in your hand and rub gently on your skin for 2 to 3 minutes. Rinse with warm water.
What is your skin type? Get a headstart on the road to a dear complexion by understanding the
Oily sin usually has a shiny surface, visible pores and is prone to breakouts.
Dry skin often feels taut, slightly rough and tends to chap and flake.
Combination skin is oily at the T-zone (the forehead, nose and chin) and drier on the cheeks.
Sensitive skin is thin, delicate and easily irritated. It has a red and blotchy.
- Natural Masks:
Break two large bananas, toss into a blender along with half of the peel and one tablespoon of raw honey. Blend to liquefy, pat on, let dry for 20 minutes.
- Mix equal proportions of honey, fresh cream, or oats and almond paste. Pat on, let dry for 20 minutes.
- Peel and pit an avocado, liquefy in the blender with one tablespoon of raw honey. Pat an, let dry for 20 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.
- Oily Skin Masks:
Wash and core two crisp apples, but do not peel, liquefy the whole thing into the blender. Pat on, let dry for 20 minutes. Splash on with cool water.
Wash a big, ripe tomato and liquefy the whole thing in the blender. Pat on, let dry for 20 minutes, splashoff with cool water.
- Two nourishing masks for all skin types:
Blend two egg yolks, two tablespoons of honey, three drops of almond oil. Pat on, let dry for 20 minutes.Rinse off with cool water.
- Grind half a cup of yellow mustard seeds, adding 2 litres of water in it. Also grind in a few rose petals. Apply on skin. Let dry for 20 minutes. Rinse well.
- One Clarifying facial mask, good for all skins (to be used occassionally):
This does with gentle natural enzymes what skin-slouching creams, peelers and exfoliating lotions do with chemical – it removes dead, dry skin cells on the surface to expose fresh clear skin.
- Peel a ripe banana and puree in the blender. Pat on the fruit, let dry for 20 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.
- Two cleansing and bleaching masks (for faded, end of summer tans as well as winter-drab or season change sallow skin)
Add the juice of two lemons to one cup of buttermilk. blend, pat on, let dry for 20 minutes. Splash off with cool water.
Liquefy one whole lemon (washed, not peeled) and half an orange (washed, not peeled) in the blender, add one cup of plain yoghurt. blend, pat on, let dry for 20 minutes. Rnse off with cool water.
Here are a few more any-time masks
For a glowing skin, cucumber mixed with fresh coconut water gives remarkable results.
use mashed bananas and strawberries as a pack to freshen up the complexion.
For curing pimples, apply a mixture of haldi (turmeric) and sandalwood on the face.
Pimples can also be cured with a light massage of rose and sevti flowers extract. The extract is easily prepared by distilling a number of flowers in a distilling apparatus. The extract should be applied on the pimples three times a day.
Aromatherapy Facial
Skin Types
There are five basic skin types, and you will want to consider yours when making your own
aromatherapy beauty products.
Oily Skin
Oily skin is caused by over-active glands, which produce a substance called Asebum, a naturally healthy skin lubricant. When the skin produces too much sebum, it becomes thick and heavy in texture.
Shininess, pimples and blemishes characterize oily skin. Frequent steam cleaning and exfoliation can help reduce these symptoms.
Dry Skin
Dry skin usually results when skin fails to produce enough sebum to maintain a naturally lubricated surface. This lack of oil in the skin is often hereditary, but can also be caused by over-exposure to the sun and other environmental elements. As we age, our skin becomes drier as decreased metabolism
reduces the rapidity with which dead skin cells are replaced. Dry skin often appears coarse, tight, dull and flaky, with visible lines and wrinkles. Massage with essential and cold pressed oils can stimulate metabolism and alleviate dry skin conditions.
Normal SkinNormal skin produces a healthy amount of sebum, and tends to be neither dry nor oily in feel.
Sensitive Skin
Sensitive skin reacts unfavorably to a variety of chemicals and environmental factors. Having had ample opportunity to compare brand new baby skin with skin that is just a few years old, it seems to me that all skin is delicate and sensitive when it is new. Increased exposure to nature's elements such as the sun, wind and cold, as well as to harsh cosmetic ingredients, tend to toughen skin over time.
Combination Skin
Many people have different skin types on different parts of the face. For example, it is not uncommon for a person to have oily skin around the nose, forehead and chin, while the rest of the face is more on the dry side. If you have more than one skin type on your face, it is wise to use products containing different ingredients to treat the areas differently.
Your Step-By-Step At-Home Facial
A basic facial must include at least 3 elements:
(1) cleansing;
(2) toning; and
(3) moisturizing.
Additional steps might include steaming, exfoliating and masking.
Step 1. Before cleansing your skin with a gentle cleanser, it is wise to give yourself a light steam treatment to open your pores and prepare your face for cleaning. To do this, simply soak a soft towel in a bowl of comfortably warm herbal tea. Wring out the towel and place it over your face and neck area and relax until it cools slightly. You may repeat this process, as it is quite soothing.
Step 2. Cleanse your face with a gentle handmade cleanser such as Rose Cream Cleanser. Use
upward, circular movements of the fingertips to gently stimulate the skin and help lift surface debris and excess oil. Rinse with warm water and gently pat excess moisture from face with a soft towel. If you wear heavy make-up, you might wish to repeat the cleansing process.
Step 3. After cleansing, it is important to tone the skin using ingredients that help balance the pH of the skin, which is typically disturbed during the cleansing process. Apply the toner with a soft cotton pad, but do not rub the skin. Rather, saturate the pad and pat the toner over the face and neck area. Do not
pat skin dry. Avoid eye area when using toner. You skin is now ready for moisturizing.
Step 4. Moisturize your skin using Aromatic Facial Oil, which contains a host of soothing ingredients to add moisture and nutrients to your skin. To seal in the moisture, be sure to apply the oil while skin remains damp from applying the toner. Gently apply the oil to your face and neck using patting motions.
For oily areas of skin, one application of oil should suffice. Apply twice to dry areas of skin, waiting about 2-3 minutes between applications, and being sure to moisten the skin slightly with water or toner before the second application.
Aroma Facial For Oily Skin
Step 1. Cleansing
Apply a paste of 1/2 tsp Milk powder, 2 drops Lemon oil, 1 drop Cedar wood on the face and neck and massage for a minute or two. Then wipe using tissue or cotton.
Step 2. Toning
Apply on skin a paste made of fuller's earth, 2 drops rosemary and 2 drops basil and leave it to dry. Then wipe it with wet towel.
Step 3. Moisturizing
Take any good quality non-perfumed moisturizing cream. To it add 2 drops Lavender. Apply gently on skin.
Aroma Facial For Dry Skin
Step 1. Cleansing
Make a paste of 1 tsp milk powder, I pinch sugar, 2 drops basil and 2 drops lemon and apply on the face and neck and gently massage. Then wipe using tissue or cotton.
Step 2. Toning
Make a paste using almond powder, 1-drop lemon and 1-drop rose water and apply on the face and leave it to dry. Then wipe it with wet towel.
Step 3. Moisturizing
Take any good quality non -perfumed moisturizing cream. To it add 1 drop Rose and 1 drop
Sandalwood. Apply gently on skin.
Aroma Facial For Normal Skin
Step 1. Cleansing
Make a paste of 1 tsp milk, sandalwood powder and almond powder. Apply on face and neck and massage. Then wipe using tissue or cotton.
Step 2. Toning
Make a paste using almond powder, 1/2 tsp honey and 1-drop rose and apply on the face and leave it to dry. Then wipe it with wet towel.
Step 3. Moisturizing
Take any good quality non -perfumed moisturizing cream. To it add 1 drop Rose and 1 drop lavender. Apply gently on skin.
Aroma Facial For Combination Skin
Step 1. Cleansing
Apply a paste using 1 tsp. milk powder, 2 drops of Rosemary and 1 drop of juniper berry on face and neck and massage. Then wipe using tissue or cotton.
Step 2. Toning
For Dry Areas
Make a paste using Almond powder, 1-drop lemon, 1 drop rose and apply on the face and leave it to dry. Then wipe it with wet towel.
For Oily Areas
Make a paste using Fullers Earth, 2 drops Rosemary and 2 drops basil. and apply on the face and leave it to dry. Then wipe it with wet towel.
Step 3. Moisturizing
Take any good quality moisturizing cream and add 2 drops Lavender. Apply gently.
Aroma Facial For Sensitive Skin
Step 1. Cleansing
Apply a paste using 1/2 tsp. milk powder, 2 drops of lavender and warm water on face and neck and massage. Then wipe using tissue or cotton.
Step 2. Toning
Apply on skin a paste made of fuller's earth, 3 drops Chamomile and honey and leave it to dry. Then wipe it with wet towel.
Step 3. Moisturizing
Take any good quality non -perfumed moisturizing cream. To it add 5 drop Rose. Apply gently on skin.
Natural Beauty TreatmentThey say, " Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder" but one has to work towards looking beautiful and
staying beautiful forever. In this article we have compiled a few beauty packs and tips that will help youhave a smooth and glowing skin and look beautiful and youthful forever.
Pack for a fair and smooth skin
Take 2 tsp lemon juice, 1 tsp glycerin and 3 tsp rose water and mix. Apply this lotion all over the body and keep it for 15-20 minutes and then wash with tepid water.
Take 1 tsp lemon juice, cup yogurt and 1 tsp orange juice. Make a paste and apply this on your face and neck and keep for 15-20 minutes and then wash with tepid water.
For dry skin this mask works wonders. Take one egg and beat it till frothy. Add 1 tsp honey. 1 tsp glycerin, 1 tsp mineral oil. Apply this on the face and other dry areas on the body and wash after 15
Protein Pack: soak 1 tsp urad dal and 4 almonds in water overnight and then grinding them into a paste. You can then apply this protein mask to your face and wash it off after half an hour. This exceptional protein mask will not only nourish the skin but also bleach it.
Mix 2 tsp rice powder, 4 tsp tea water, 1 tsp honey. Apply this mask to your face and wash it off after half an hour with lukewarm water.
Take 1 egg and beat it in a small bowl. Add cup coconut oil and 1 tbsp honey and beat it slowly bringing its consistency like mayonnaise. Spread the mixture into a toilet paper roll, and set in the freezer overnight. To use, peel away the top of the cardboard roll and smooth the frozen stick over your face.
Leave it on for 5-10 minutes, and then wash off with warm water.
Take 1 tbsp powder milk, 1 peeled cucumber and 1 tsp yogurt. Mix all these together in a blender to a fine paste and apply on the face for 15-20 minutes and wash off with warm water.
Take 1 peeled cucumber; add 6 tsp rose water, 4 tsp Eau-de-cologne and 3 tsp glycerin. Make a paste in a blender and strain to get a lotion. Refrigerate and use on face and body.
Take lemon, orange and 3/4 cup ethanol alcohol. Blend in a mixer and strain. Refrigerate and use.
Mash strawberries, use as an astringent and cleansing facemask.
Lemon is a strong astringent, dilute with water before using, being careful to keep away from eyes.